Probability Log Graph

Posted by Steven W. on August 22, 2001 8:50 AM

I have some probability x 2 log cycle paper for graphing data and I wanted to use excel to plot the information. Please help if you know how to plot log-normal or log probability using excel.

Posted by Eric on August 22, 2001 2:37 PM

Couple of ideas

If you looked at the "format axis" and the "logarithmic" clickbox and found that option unsuitable, maybe the following will help. First make some photocopies of the graph paper so you don't waste the good stuff. Then log transform your data [=log(number,base)] for both x and y coordinates so it's linearized and plot it in excel on normal axes.

Make sure that your major tick marks line up with the periods/cycles on your graph paper by printing out some test copies and varying the size of the excel print out until it aligns with your paper. One word on that, place the chart in the worksheet, select the cells in which it's contained to define your print area, and use the print preview screen to try and get the graph magnified/reduced to the right size.

You can also remove the tick labels from excel by formatting them as white text with a transparent background.

The paper part's a real hassle though, have you considered just labelling the excel axes with "p" before the variable (as in pH) so you can just print out the linear scale directly on normal paper?