how to automate copy and paste function

Posted by Allan on February 13, 2001 8:25 AM

I have a file which has column A for style#, column B for values, and a couple of other columns(See below). I have sorted the data according to style #. I want to copy all the data for the same style#, and paste the data to another sheet which has the same name as that of the style #.
For example: column A Column B Column C
37A800 110.00
37A800 23
37A921 3434
37A921 344
I want to COPY all entries for "37A800" to a new sheet in a different workbook/or the same workbook, the sheet's name needs to be the same as "37A800"/OR "800". I need to do the same for "37A921" ,and other groups.

How can I automate the copy-paste-name process.

Your help will save me a lot of work.

Thanks in advance

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on February 13, 2001 9:55 AM

Give a right click on the name of the source sheet, select option Move or Copy, select Create a copy on Move or Copy window. You can then insert the copy to the same workbook or to another workbook/file. Edit the name of the copied sheet by giving a richt click on its name and selecting the option Rename. This is a shorter routine than literally copying the data and pasting on some sheet.

Hope this helps.
