Formula for Testing Baccarat & =MAX question

Posted by Ron on April 01, 2001 2:34 PM

I have a spread sheet where I have 6 columns (3 Players and 3 Bankers) and I bet the plus difference between Player and Banker...

I am trying to create a formula at the bottom of the page to compute the commission on the Plus Bank Wins only....

I know how to accomlish it with 1 column

If I want to find the Maximum # within a column evenif it is -, is that possible?

IE: +6, +8, -10, +2---- I want it to tell me the maximum number even if it is -... In exanmaple above, I want it to tell me 10 but with the nmormal max formula, it ignores Minus numbers.......

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on April 01, 2001 2:57 PM

To solve your max problem, array-enter the following formula:


To array-enter a formula, you need to hit CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER at the same time.

Can you elaborate a bit on your first problem related to SUMIF?


Posted by Ron on April 02, 2001 5:10 PM

Formula for Testing Baccarat

I am not sure this will dispaly but will try... The easiest would be to attach an ecxl sheet...

62 x (13) (1) 1 2 13 2 13 2
63 x (12) (2) 3 14 1 14
64 x (13) 1 (1) 2 16 2 16
65 x (12) (2) 3 17 1 17 1
66 x (13) (1) 1 4 21 4 21 4
67 x (12) (2) 3 22 1 22
68 x (13) 1 (1) 4 26 4 26
69 x (14) 2 (6) 22 (4) 22
70 22 22
71 22 22
72 22 22
73 22 22
74 22 22
75 22 22
76 22 22
77 22 22
33 36 69 Max Bet Max Down Max Up Gross Units 22.00 6 16 22 38
09/12/99 -4 26 Commission #VALUE! 1.90
Palace Station Shoe# 1 Net Units #VALUE!

CELL K-81 (Eventual answer should be 1.90 units as in Cell P-81)

I created the formula in K-81 earlier for net betting Columns I and J and it seemed to work but now it does not
But now I want to net betting in 6 (E-F-G-H-I-J) columns instead of previous 2 (I-J)
I bet the net plus difference between P=(E,G.I) B=(F,H,J) (SEE COLUMNS M and N)
*IE: Row 68 = B5 - P(1) = Net bet of 4 on Banker
Row 69 = P(3) - B(2) = 1 Unit bet on Palyer
Row 70 = P(5) - B(1) = 4 units on Player
Row 71 = B(6) - P(2) - 4 units on Banker
I am only showing you Columns M N O to explain as I only pay ccommission on the positive numbers in M
Commission is only assessed on Banker AT .05 and only if it is a Positive Number (See COLUMN P)


Maximum bet Made at any time whether it is negative or plus...which
In the above example, M-36 is the largest bet even though it is negative……
I have always had problems with this because usually I have used a separate bet column
I know I the formula is =max(m3:n79) but I could never figure out how to get it to consider a negative amount as Max also.
*** But now the maximum bet would be part of the formula or the maximum bet Net of (E-F-G-H-I-J) and I am not sure how to do it….
I do not even know if it is possible by not showing a separate column now……..
And since I am summing the Net in Column K, I have no idea what to do…
As you can see though, it should be the -8 in M-36 as the largest bet even though it is negative.