Customized Date Format/CONCATENATE functions

Posted by Melanie Young on April 13, 2001 2:50 PM


I made a customized date format to read YYYYMMDD.

I need to concatenate the a date field that has been formatted in the style above with another field. The result of this "marriage" goes into a cell that names the worksheet.

When I use the CONCATENATE function, the date automatically resorts to it's "11111" format.

Does anyone know a way around this?


Posted by Mo on April 13, 2001 4:25 PM

Hi Melanie, I'm not sure this is the right response, but I would think you need to format the cell with the concatenate function to YYYYMMDD as well.

Posted by Melanie Young on April 13, 2001 6:33 PM


I tried that and still got "11111blahblah" for a cell that I need to read "20010408blahblah."

Thanks for responding!

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on April 13, 2001 11:46 PM


If the date is in A1 and "blahblah" in B1,

in C1 enter: =TEXT(A1,"yyyymmdd")&""&B1
