Arrays misbehaving

Posted by Raoul on February 15, 2002 6:51 AM

It looks like the following array (CSE!) - comparing two columns of numbers - is only looking at the first row in each case. Can anyone see what's wrong here?


Any help would be appreciated on this one


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on February 15, 2002 6:54 AM

You're comparing ranges of unequal size.


Posted by Mark W. on February 15, 2002 7:07 AM

G11:G23, G41:G53 are of equal size.

Posted by Mark W. on February 15, 2002 7:12 AM

There's nothing wrong with your formula...

It works just fine for me. If you are certain
that you've properly entered it as an array
formula (and I suspect you have because you'd get
a #VALUE! error otherwise) then examine the
values in G11:G23 and G41:G53 and make sure that
they are of the same data type -- numeric.

Posted by Raoul on February 15, 2002 8:19 AM

Re: There's nothing wrong with your formula...

Thanks for this, I think that it is just performing a different calculation to the one that I was looking for. I wanted to be informed (I expected to get a zero, but "Error" would be better) if the two columns were not equal otherwise return the total of one of them.

I appreciate your help here