If statements and greater than operand

Posted by Brendan Lambe on September 10, 2001 7:30 AM

With the following values, 23,Withdrawn, 56 and 12 if you look for the greatest value in this list, this is the text withdrawn. When i set up an IF statement with all values greater than 40 as "excellent" and those below as "not so good", the withdrawn value will be true and "excellent" will appear. I would like the IF statement to either, ignore the text or give it the false statement.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on September 10, 2001 7:38 AM

Brendan --

I don't understand how you compute/determine "Withdrawn" as the greatest value from the set {23,"Withdrawn", 56, 12}, unless Withdrawn is a name that refers to a numeric value? For example,


should lead to a #VALUE! error.

Am I missing something?



When i set up an IF statement with all values greater than 40 as "excellent" and those below as "not so good", the withdrawn value will be true and "excellent" will appear. I would like the IF statement to either, ignore the text or give it the false statement.