combining date cells with time cells

Posted by Steve Connelly on December 05, 2001 7:50 AM

I have a spreadsheet with three date columns and three time columns. one pair is for the time a call came in, one for the time we promised to have a project finished, and another for when we actually completed the task. we want to combine the information from each pair of date/time colums into a single column with the date/time info. We want to do this so we can run a calculation between the three to tell us the time elapsed from the call to completetion and how this compares with the promise time so we can see if we went over or under budget on time.

Posted by Mudface on December 05, 2001 8:03 AM

Rather than having date and time in separate columns, format (say) columns A and B as dd-mmm-yy hh:mm and column C as [hh]:mm. Then just subtract B from A to give the time elapsed.

Hope this helps.

Posted by Bob on January 09, 2002 3:06 PM

I perform a similar function combining a Date column with a Time column.
My first row is a header so it is not used in the formula. Column A contains the date and Column B contains the time.
Give this formula a try in the cell you wish the date and time combined.