Please help I'am new to this........Thanks..

Posted by joel on February 03, 2001 10:01 PM

I want to automate my spredsheet for commissions,

example if loan $$ up to 500,000 * 10%
$$ up t 700,000 * 15%
$$ up to 1,000,000 * 20%
$$ up to 1,500,000 * 25%

so if loan amounts are less or equal to 500000 mulitply by 10% or if the loan amounts are > than 500,000 but <= to 699,999 mulitply by 15%, etc

How would I enter the formula? Please help!

Posted by Carl B on February 04, 2001 12:06 AM

This will post the Precentage
=If(Value(A1)>1000000,A1*25%, If(Value(A1)>700000,A1*20%, If(Value(A1)>500000,A1*15%,A1*10*)

This will post Value + Precentage
=If(Value(A1)>1000000,A1+A1*25%, If(Value(A1)>700000,A1+A1*20%, If(Value(A1)>500000,A1 + A1*15%,A1+A1*10*)

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on February 04, 2001 1:39 AM


Type the following, say in column F (start in F1)


and in column G (start in G1)


Select the range F1:G4 and name it COMMISSIONS via the option Insert,Define,Name (or via the Name Box). When you do this, you can use COMMISSIONS in your formulas instead of $F$1:$G$4.

Now type in A2 a loan, say 697000 and enter in B2 the following formula:



Posted by Dave Hawley on February 04, 2001 5:36 PM

Hi Joel

Here is a custom function that will make life easier. To use it simply push Alt+F11, go to Insert>Module and paste in the code:

Function MyComm(Amount As Range)
Select Case Amount
Case Is <= 500000
MyComm = Amount * 0.1
Case Is <= 700000
MyComm = Amount * 0.15
Case Is <= 1000000
MyComm = Amount * 0.2
Case Is <= 1500000
MyComm = Amount * 0.25
End Select

Push Alt+Q to return to excel. Now save.

Now in any cell put:

Where A1 contains the amount.

Hope this helps


OzGrid Business Applications

Posted by Dave Hawley on February 04, 2001 8:14 PM

Push Alt+Q to return to excel. Now save.

OzGrid Business Applications