
Posted by Mark on October 15, 2001 11:12 AM

I am trying to acheive the same thing as "Rows to repeat at top" on the Sheet tab of Page setup, except that I want "Rows to repeat at bottom", i.e. a footer. With my requirements, I cannot use the standard header/footer. Is there anyway to achieve this result so that it prints a range at the bottom of every page?


Posted by Jonathan on October 15, 2001 12:21 PM


will give you the row number of the last row that has data in it (the last non-blank row) in the sheet. Take it from there.


Posted by Gyula Lorant on October 16, 2001 6:15 AM

Check whether this does what you need. I adapted some code from Ole P. Erlandsen, which involved adding sub-totals at page breaks.
The macro creates a new workbook with the same data, etc. but with footers on each page (I hope!) :-

Sub InsertSubtotals()
Dim TargetWB As Workbook, AWB As String
Dim TotalPageBreaks As Long, pbIndex As Long, pbRow As Long, PreviousPageBreak As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
AWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\My Documents" & AWB & " _ New.xls"
Set TargetWB = ActiveWorkbook
' insert footers
pbIndex = 0
PreviousPageBreak = 1
TotalPageBreaks = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count
While pbIndex < TotalPageBreaks
pbIndex = pbIndex + 1
pbRow = GetHPageBreakRow(pbIndex)
If pbRow > 0 Then
InsertFooter pbRow, PreviousPageBreak, True, ""
PreviousPageBreak = pbRow
TotalPageBreaks = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count
pbRow = TotalPageBreaks
End If
' add the last footer
InsertFooter Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1, PreviousPageBreak, False, ""
End Sub

Private Sub InsertFooter(RowIndex As Long, PreviousPageBreak As Long, InsertNewRows As Boolean, LabelText As String)
Const RowsToInsert As Long = 3
Dim i As Long, TargetRow As Long
TargetRow = RowIndex
If InsertNewRows Then
For i = 1 To RowsToInsert
Rows(RowIndex - RowsToInsert).Insert
Next i
TargetRow = RowIndex - RowsToInsert
End If
If PreviousPageBreak < 1 Then PreviousPageBreak = 1
' insert the required footer text :
Cells(TargetRow, 1).Formula = "Footer line 1 text here"
Cells(TargetRow + 1, 1).Formula = "Footer line 2 text here"
Cells(TargetRow + 2, 1).Formula = "Footer line 3 text here"
End Sub

Private Function GetHPageBreakRow(PageBreakIndex As Long) As Long
GetHPageBreakRow = 0
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add "ASPB", "=get.document(64)", False
Range("A1:A50").FormulaArray = "=transpose(aspb)"
On Error Resume Next
GetHPageBreakRow = Cells(PageBreakIndex, 1).Value
On Error GoTo 0
End Function