HELP!!! Inserting cell values

Posted by CJ on May 23, 2001 1:35 PM

I am exporting a report from access into Excel using VBA... Once the fields are imported into Excel, I need to add 3 columns with calculations... I know I can do the calculations in Access before the export, but I need it to work this way in code. I am having problems adding data to the three new columns... The PPOSTDREDUCT column should take the totalcharge - stdallow. The PPOSAVINGS column = stdallow-ppoallow. The PPOSAVINGS% is PPOSAVINS/totalcharge. Any help is greatly appreciated I am stuck and with a deadline - my code is below...

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim rge As Range
Dim intRows As Integer
Dim intFields As Integer
Dim strSelect As String
Dim strConn As String
Dim db As Database
Dim wsp As Workspace
Dim stDocName1 As String

Call Clear_DataRange

Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb")
db.QueryTimeout = 15000

Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7")

Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site")
intRows = rec.RecordCount
intFields = rec.Fields.Count

'pastes field names
For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name
Next intCount1

ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSSAVINGS%"
ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS"
ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT"

'pastes field values
For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows
For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value
Next intcount3
Next intcount2


'Format width of columns and add border around titles
Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in ()

'With Worksheets("RTF")
'.Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(7, 7)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
'End With


End Sub
Sub Clear_DataRange()
Sheets("RTF").Visible = True
Range("a5", "z60000").Select

End Sub

Posted by Barrie Davidson on May 23, 2001 2:05 PM

Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 Range("M7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit 'With Worksheets("RTF") '.Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(7, 7)).Borders.Weight = xlThin 'End With db.Close End Sub

Try the following:
ActiveCell.Formula = "=RC[n]-RC[n]"

Where the first n represents the number of columns from your activecell you find the value 'stdallow' and the second n represents the number of columns from your activecell you find the value 'ppoallow'. For example, after you insert a column your value for 'stdallow' is in
column L, then the value for n=-1.

You can then use the same syntax and logic for the rest of your code.

Does this help you?

Posted by Barrie Davidson on May 23, 2001 2:07 PM

Further to my code

The code above is for PPOSAVINGS.

Posted by CJ on May 23, 2001 2:30 PM

Yes - that does help me a lot - Thanks so much! One more question - how do I get it to add all the data instead of just that first cell? What kind of loop should I use?

Posted by Barrie Davidson on May 23, 2001 2:44 PM

Actually, the easiest way would be to copy the formula down to the end of your data. If you declare a variable and assign it the value of your last row, your syntax would be (assuming your variable is named LRow):
ActiveCell.Range("A1:A" & LRow - ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False


Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 Range("M7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit

Posted by CJ on May 23, 2001 2:49 PM

Is there a way to do it without having to know the last row? This is going to be run every week, and the number of rows will vary... I would have to go in and change this each time? Or is there an easier way? Thanks for all your help!

Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 Range("M7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit

Posted by Barrie Davidson on May 23, 2001 3:02 PM

An easy to identify the last row would be to select a column where you know it has data in each row (this is important, you can't have any blanks). Assuming column C meets this criteria, then use:

LRow = Range("C1").End(xlDown).Row

The code "End(xlDown)" is the same as END+ARROW DOWN.

Barrie Is there a way to do it without having to know the last row? This is going to be run every week, and the number of rows will vary... I would have to go in and change this each time? Or is there an easier way? Thanks for all your help! Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 Range("M7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit

Posted by MDL on May 23, 2001 3:15 PM

How did you post your original message? Selecting "post" does nothing for me! (my question below)

I am trying to use an Excel macro to open a .csv spreadsheet and change the page orientation on it. I've used the "record macro" option to come up with the following code, but it does not change the the pagesetup on the spreadsheet I just opened. For some reason, it changes the orientation on the spreadsheet that the macro is saved in, but goes on to add titles and format in the file I want it to? Any idea what's going on? Here's my code:

Workbooks.Open FileName:="\\FIL-MOR1\SYS\revenue\monthend\monthresult.csv"
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = "$5:$7"
.PrintTitleColumns = ""
End With
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ""
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.CenterFooter = "Page &P of &N"
.Orientation = xlLandscape
End With
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.0%"
Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0"
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.MergeCells = False
End With
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="F:\revenue\monthend\monthresult.xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False

Thank you very much!!!

Posted by MDL on May 23, 2001 3:20 PM

Sorry - ignore this

Workbooks.Open FileName:="\\FIL-MOR1\SYS\revenue\monthend\monthresult.csv" With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "$5:$7" .PrintTitleColumns = "" End With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "" With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .CenterFooter = "Page &P of &N" .Orientation = xlLandscape End With Range("C:D,K:K").Select Range("K1").Activate Selection.NumberFormat = "0.0%" Range("E:F,H:I").Select Range("H1").Activate Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0" Range("G:G,J:J").Select Range("J1").Activate Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" Columns("C:K").Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .MergeCells = False End With Rows("6:6").Select Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone Range("A4:K107").Select Selection.Columns.AutoFit Range("B1").Select ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="F:\revenue\monthend\monthresult.xls", _ FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _ ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False Thank you very much!!!

Posted by CJ on May 23, 2001 3:22 PM

Here is the code I run - I keep getting an application or object defined error... any ideas?

LRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row

ActiveCell.Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]"
ActiveCell.Range("I1:I" & LRow - ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False An easy to identify the last row would be to select a column where you know it has data in each row (this is important, you can't have any blanks). Assuming column C meets this criteria, then use: LRow = Range("C1").End(xlDown).Row The code "End(xlDown)" is the same as END+ARROW DOWN. Barrie : Is there a way to do it without having to know the last row? This is going to be run every week, and the number of rows will vary... I would have to go in and change this each time? Or is there an easier way? Thanks for all your help! : Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 Range("M7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit

Posted by Dave Hawley on May 23, 2001 3:55 PM


Column B must empty so the xldown is returning row 65536 then you try to add 1 and there is not that many rows. You can do this all in one step like below:

Range("I1:I" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]"

Of course you need to use the row number from a column with data.


OzGrid Business Applications

Posted by CJ on May 24, 2001 7:58 AM

Hi Dave - thanks for the help... I am still having problems - the formula doesn't create any value at all - Can you see what I am doing wrong???

Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim rge As Range
Dim intRows As Integer
Dim intFields As Integer
Dim strSelect As String
Dim strConn As String
Dim db As Database
Dim wsp As Workspace
Dim stDocName1 As String

LRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row

Call Clear_DataRange

Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb")
db.QueryTimeout = 15000

Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7")

Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site")
intRows = rec.RecordCount
intFields = rec.Fields.Count

'pastes field names
For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name
Next intCount1

'pastes field values
For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows
For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value
Next intcount3
Next intcount2

'Insert blank columns

ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS%"
ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS"
ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT"

'Insert values into columns

ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]"
ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & LRow - ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Format width of columns and add border around titles
Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in ()

'With Worksheets("RTF")
'.Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(7, 7)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
'End With


End Sub

Posted by Barrie Davidson on May 24, 2001 8:43 AM

If you manually go to your worksheet, cell B1, and press END and then ARROW DOWN, where do you end up on your worksheet (what cell)?

Barrie Here is the code I run - I keep getting an application or object defined error... any ideas? LRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 Range("M7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit

Posted by CJ on May 24, 2001 9:36 AM

I tried using an example that Dave sent, but now, it won't insert any formula into the cell... Here is the code - can you see what I am doing wrong???

Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim rge As Range
Dim intRows As Integer
Dim intFields As Integer
Dim strSelect As String
Dim strConn As String
Dim db As Database
Dim wsp As Workspace
Dim stDocName1 As String

Call Clear_DataRange

Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb")
db.QueryTimeout = 15000

Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7")

Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site")
intRows = rec.RecordCount
intFields = rec.Fields.Count

'pastes field names
For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name
Next intCount1

'pastes field values
For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows
For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value
Next intcount3
Next intcount2

'Insert blank columns

ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS%"
ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS"
ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT"

'Insert values into columns

ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]"
'ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & LRow - ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select
'Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Format width of columns and add border around titles
Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in ()

'With Worksheets("RTF")
'.Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(7, 7)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
'End With


End Sub

Posted by Barrie Davidson on May 24, 2001 9:58 AM

The problem lies in
ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]"

From what I can see in your code, column J will be blank (you just inserted this column). Try using the variable I described using this syntax,
LRow = Range("I7").End(xlDown).Row
Put this code before your code
and then change your code to
ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & LRow).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]"

Let me know if this works for you.

Barrie I tried using an example that Dave sent, but now, it won't insert any formula into the cell... Here is the code - can you see what I am doing wrong??? Private Sub cmdImport_Click() Dim stDocName1 As String Call Clear_DataRange Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 'Insert blank columns Range("I7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" Range("B1").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert 'Insert values into columns Range("J8").Select ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]" 'ActiveCell.Copy 'ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & LRow - ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select 'ActiveSheet.Paste 'Application.CutCopyMode = False rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit 'With Worksheets("RTF") '.Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(7, 7)).Borders.Weight = xlThin 'End With db.Close End Sub

Posted by Dave Hawley on May 24, 2001 9:56 PM

Private Sub cmdImport_Click() Dim stDocName1 As String LRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row Call Clear_DataRange Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb") db.QueryTimeout = 15000 Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7") Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site") rec.MoveLast intRows = rec.RecordCount rec.MoveFirst intFields = rec.Fields.Count 'pastes field names For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name Next intCount1 'pastes field values For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value Next intcount3 rec.MoveNext Next intcount2 'Insert blank columns Range("I7").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS%" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSAVINGS" ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert ActiveCell.Value = "PPOSTDREDUCT" Range("B1").Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Insert 'Insert values into columns Range("J8").Select ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]" ActiveCell.Copy ActiveCell.Range("J1:J" & LRow - ActiveCell.Row + 1).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False rec.Close 'Format width of columns and add border around titles Range("a7", "z60000").Select 'starting and ending cell in () Selection.Columns.AutoFit 'With Worksheets("RTF") '.Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(7, 7)).Borders.Weight = xlThin 'End With db.Close End Sub

Hi Cj

Try this

Private Sub cmdImport_Click()
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim rge As Range
Dim intRows As Integer
Dim intFields As Integer
Dim strSelect As String
Dim strConn As String
Dim db As Database
Dim wsp As Workspace
Dim stDocName1 As String
Dim lRow As Long

lRow = Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row

Call Clear_DataRange

Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set db = wsp.OpenDatabase("n:\PPORevenue.mdb")
db.QueryTimeout = 15000

Set rge = Worksheets("RTF").Range("a7")

Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Monthly All PPO Results by Processing Site")
intRows = rec.RecordCount
intFields = rec.Fields.Count

'pastes field names
For intCount1 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(1, intCount1 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intCount1).Name
Next intCount1

'pastes field values
For intcount2 = 0 To intRows - 1 'do this as many times as there are rows
For intcount3 = 0 To intFields - 1 'do this as many times as there are fields
rge.Cells(intcount2 + 2, intcount3 + 1).Value = rec.Fields(intcount3).Value
Next intcount3
Next intcount2

'Insert blank columns



'Insert values into columns

Range("J8:J" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row).Formula = "=RC[-1]-RC[3]"

'Format width of columns and add border around titles
Range("A:Z").Columns.AutoFit 'starting and ending cell in ()

'With Worksheets("RTF")
'.Range(.Cells(7, 1), .Cells(7, 7)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
'End With

End sub


OzGrid Business Applications

Posted by CJ on May 25, 2001 7:52 AM

HI Dave, when I run this code, it inserts the formula in J1 through J8.... instead of starting at J8 and going down...