Macro help from Barrie or anyone please! :)

Posted by RoB on August 10, 2001 10:29 AM

Hi, Barrie was nice enough to write a macro for me that copies the user defined range and moves it to another sheet called "Returned Sort". I have made a few modifications, but I'm stuck on a few things. Before I ask the questions, I'll post the code.

Sub Button1_Click()
'Macro written by Barrie Davidson

'Variables used by the macro
Dim FilterCriteria
Dim ColumnFilterSelect
Dim CurrentSheetName As String
Dim RangeSelect As Range

'Defines Range Size <------make dynamic range? last cell with data will be the range selected?
'RangeSelect = "A1:F1000"
RangeSelect = Range("A1", Range("F65536").End(xlUp))

'Get the current file's name
CurrentSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
'Select the defined range
'Apply Autofilter

'Asks the user to choose which column to sort by <----sort by first column headers?
ColumnFilterSelect = InputBox("Enter the Column Number you wish to Sort")
'Get the filter's criteria from the user
FilterCriteria = InputBox("Enter the Condition to Sort out:")
'Filter the data based on the user's input
'NOTE - this filter is on column A (field:=1), to change
'to a different column you need to change the field number
Selection.AutoFilter field:=ColumnFilterSelect, Criteria1:=FilterCriteria

'Select the visible cells (the filtered data)
'Copy the cells

'Selects the "Returned Sort" Sheet which will have the results of the sort
Sheets("Returned Sort").Activate

'Selects the defined range<------ clear contents first?

'Make sure you are in cell A1
'Paste the copied cells
'Go to A1
'Clear the clipboard contents
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Go back to the original file
'Clear the autofilter
Selection.AutoFilter field:=1
'Take the Autofilter off
'Go to A1

End Sub

Ok, I have bolded the areas I have questions on.

First: I put a piece of code in to make the variable range "A1:F last cell with data" (i think i got this from Aladin). It worked in my other macro, but not here, maybe I'm using it incorrectly.

Second: The macro sorts the column Number the user puts in. Is there a way to have the user input a column header, and this way having the macro sort by this column instead of by column number?

Finally: Is there a way to clear the contents of the selected range at the end before it pastes? I tried putting a piece of code to do it, and it DID clear the contents, but then i got an error when the macro tried to paste.

If anyone can help me, i would really appreciate it. Thanks :)

Posted by Rob on August 10, 2001 10:40 AM


Please ignore the 3rd question about clearing contents... I swear it didnt work at first, but now it does fine, typical computer stuff. But I'm still stuck on the other two, thanks :)

Posted by Rob on August 10, 2001 10:49 AM

ok i lied

The clear contents DOESN'T work. It does clear, but gives an error when the macro tries to paste. My original post is the correct one with the correct questions. Thanks

Posted by Barrie Davidson on August 10, 2001 11:54 AM

Hi Rob, one question. What do you mean by:
"Is there a way to clear the contents of the selected range at the end before it pastes?"

What contents do you want cleared? Contents in the sheet named "Returned sort"? What range in that sheet?


Posted by Rob on August 10, 2001 12:10 PM

Hi Barrie,
Sorry if I was unclear. What I'm trying to do is, if I do the sort More than one time, but with different criteria, but want it to go to the same sheet. So, before i paste the new data in the "Returned Sort" sheet, I need to clear that sheet or it will only paste on top of the current data, which will sometimes leave data from the previous sort if the new paste is shorter than the data already on that sheet.

In any case, i think i solved this. I tried doing the clear BEFORE the macro copied the data, and it seems to be working. For some reason, if i let it copy first, then cleared contents, then tried to paste it gave an error. so i THINK i have this part figured out. Still stuck on the others though :)

Thanks again Barrie

Posted by Barrie Davidson on August 10, 2001 12:27 PM

Okay Rob, try this instead (I made some changes to the macro posted).

Sub Button1_Click()
'Macro written by Barrie Davidson

'Variables used by the macro
Dim FilterCriteria
Dim ColumnFilterSelect
Dim CurrentSheetName As String
Dim RangeSelect As String

'Defines Range Size with column F being the last column of data
RangeSelect = "A1:" & Range("F65536").End(xlUp).Address
'Get the current sheet's name
CurrentSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
'Clears the sheet named Returned Sort
Sheets("Returned Sort").Activate
'Select the defined range
'Apply Autofilter
'Asks the user to choose which column to sort by <----sort by first column headers?
ColumnFilterSelect = InputBox("Enter the Header you wish to Sort")
For Each c In Range("A1:F1")
If c.Value = ColumnFilterSelect Then
ColumnFilterSelect = c.Column
End If
Next c
If IsNumeric(ColumnFilterSelect) = False Then
MsgBox ("Header entered does not exist")
GoTo GetColumnInfo
End If
'Get the filter's criteria from the user
FilterCriteria = InputBox("Enter the Condition to Sort out:")
'Filter the data based on the user's input
Selection.AutoFilter field:=ColumnFilterSelect, Criteria1:=FilterCriteria

'Select the visible cells (the filtered data)
'Copy the cells

'Selects the "Returned Sort" Sheet which will have the results of the sort
Sheets("Returned Sort").Activate
'Selects the defined range<------ clear contents first?

'Make sure you are in cell A1
'Paste the copied cells
'Go to A1
'Clear the clipboard contents
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Go back to the original file
'Clear the autofilter
Selection.AutoFilter field:=ColumnFilterSelect
'Take the Autofilter off
'Go to A1

End Sub


Posted by Rob on August 10, 2001 1:40 PM


Thanks for the revisions. One thing, the code you posted does let me select the header, but when the macro finishes, and i look at the "Returned Sort" sheet which should have the data returned, there is nothing there. I'm assuming something is going wrong with the "getcolumninfo" section. I'm trying to figure it out, but i may need some help :) thanks

Posted by Barrie Davidson on August 10, 2001 1:56 PM

If you need help just let me know (you have my e-mail address)