A Macro to create and save a new workbook with the first few sheets of the current workbook?

Posted by Chris Rock on September 24, 2001 5:38 AM

I have a pretty big workbook, and currently it has 8 hidden sheets. There's a lot of data in those hidden sheets, so the size of the file is pretty big.

What I'd like to do is have a macro that creates a new file containing the first few (5) sheets of the current file I am working on. I'd like the sheets to be copied, not moved, to the new file. The name of the new file could be the same as the one I'm working on, with an extra letter or number at the end.

Does someone have code that can do this?


Posted by Stan on September 24, 2001 6:18 AM

You should be able to create a macro to do this with the macro recorder.