What does 'Sheets("MySheet").Activate' do?

Posted by Stan on December 01, 2001 2:59 PM

Can someone explain what 'Sheets("MySheet").Activate' does? This relates to an earlier posting where I'm having trouble with hidden worksheets.


Posted by Damon Ostrander on December 01, 2001 10:24 PM

Hi Stan,

The Activate method "activates" the sheet. When a sheet is active, it is the one data will be entered into if you type on the keyboard, and its tab will be white. While many sheets can be selected, only one sheet at a time can be active (this is similar to cells, where many can be selected, but only one in the selected range can be active, i.e., the cell that data will be entered into when you type). Because of this definition it should be obvious that a hidden sheet can never be activated.

I hope this helps.
