Additional comments

Posted by Stephen Hayden on September 27, 2001 3:55 AM

I just received a spreadsheet where it had a form of a comment (Though I am sure that is not what it is called in Excel) that I have never seen before. It is not the traditional red-cornered comment you can access through the Insert menu, because those are there too. But when you click on a cell, the Office Assistant (Or a floating box if you turn it off) has a detailed comment coming from its baloon box. I was wondering how to create & edit my own additional comments, instead of the red-cornered ones, which I already know. This is in Excel 2000.

Posted by Robb on September 27, 2001 4:05 AM


Select the cell you want the message attached to and, in the main menu,
select Data/Validation and select the "Input Message" tab.

Make sure "Show input message when cell is selected" box is checked
and complete the title and message.

This message will appear whenever the cell is selected.

Is that what you were after?
