Fitering Dates

Posted by Harry on March 31, 2000 2:32 AM


I am trying to filter a list whereby I only want to see data where it fits between 2 times. (ie: all records between 09:00 and 15:00)

The date field covers a whole month, and I just cant get it to ignor the date and only look at the time?

Can you help?


Posted by Thomas Venn on March 31, 2000 9:33 AM

Hi Harry, you can break up your cell into different columns so you can analyze each different set of data. Then you are able to sort however you like.

mm/dd/yyyy h:mm --- seems to work pretty good.

you can get more information on the following formulas by using your "Paste Function". "Paste Function" is represented by (Fx) on your toolbar.


03/31/2000 9:36__3_________________31______________2000______________9_______________36

