Using a cell reference within a DDE link formula

Posted by Bill Nagel on February 09, 2001 6:19 AM

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to use a cell reference within a DDE link formula that I have created.

As an example, my link formula is
'\\15723\15723_calcs\[15723_calcs_26wk_adj.xls]Data Summary'!$B$2

where 15723 is a specific work order number.

I would like use a cell reference rather than the work order number,
for example '\\($B$1)\($B$1)_calcs\[$B$1_calcs_26wk_adj......), such that I can run
this query without having to update it for each cell on the network that I
am trying to link to.

Is this just a matter of using the correct syntax?

Posted by Mark W. on February 10, 2001 1:03 PM

Bill, I know next to nothing about DDE, but you've
peaked my curiosity. What happens when you use:

=INDIRECT("'\\"&$B$1&"\"&$B$1&"_calcs\["&$B$1&"_calcs_26wk_adj.xls]Data Summary'!$B$2")

Posted by Bill Nagel on February 12, 2001 11:06 AM

Thanks for the suggestion, but the INDIRECT function requires the workbook that is being linked to
to be open, and that isn't an option for me.