Auto. change format on dest. cell when source cell changes?

Posted by Tommy on November 08, 2001 2:53 AM

I have a source cell that changes color format and value from time to time depending on an external source. Then I have alot of destination cells which links to this source cell. When the source cell changes value and color format, the destination cells only changes the value not the format. How can I get the format to be retrieved as well from the source cell?

Posted by Tom Urtis on November 08, 2001 5:38 AM

Here's one idea


Great first name you have there.

Would conditional formatting do the trick? Select your destination cells and click Format > Conditional Formatting, and since it's values that depend on what color the cell is shaded, choose "Cell value is" for condition 1 and enter the information in the next-right fields to suit what value you want to format for. Then click the Format button, choose your desired format and hit OK.

Any help?

Tom Urtis