Creating date objects from multiple cells.

Posted by Chris M. on December 13, 2001 4:31 PM

I'm trying to put a date togeather from different cells. I'll have a day in one cell and a month in another. I want to put them togeather to make a date in one cell. I'm trying to do this in VBA.

Obviously this is wrong, but to try and help you understand what i'm trying to do.

month = cells(x,1)
day = cells(x+5,4)
year = 2001

Cells(x,2) = Date1

I know this is probably really obvious, but I can't figure it. I'm obviously not a programmer, but I'm trying. Thanks.

Posted by Jacob on December 13, 2001 4:42 PM


You dont really need vb. Try this.

Lets say you have Day in A1, Month in A2, and Year in C1.


Thats it.


Posted by Chris M. on December 13, 2001 4:48 PM

Thanks, Jacob, but...

Thanks for the help, but I need to be able to do it in VBA because this is in the middle of an if satement that is part of a loop, hence cells(x,1) etc...
Any Ideas on how I can do it in VBA?

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on December 13, 2001 4:54 PM

Re: Thanks, Jacob, but...

Well, it's practically the same, different function name tho:

Cells(x,2) = DateSerial(year,month,day)

Juan Pablo G. Thanks for the help, but I need to be able to do it in VBA because this is in the middle of an if satement that is part of a loop, hence cells(x,1) etc...

Posted by Jacob on December 13, 2001 5:04 PM

Re: Thanks, Jacob, but...

There are a couple ways to do this. You could have a column in excel put the dates together and then get that value with vb, or you can try this.

Sub Dates()
MyDay = Range("A1").Value
MyMonth = Range("B1").Value
MyYear = Range("C1").Value
MyDate = DateSerial(MyYear, MyMonth, MyDay)
End Sub

Assuming that the dates are in A1:C1 you can modify to you needs.

Hope this helps


Posted by Chris M. on December 14, 2001 9:30 AM

Thanks Jacob!

That helped a lot. thanks a bunch!