pattern index properties

Posted by Jim on January 26, 2002 11:01 AM

Hi group,

In the format cells > patterns > pattern
you can choose from light to dark ie. 75% to 6.25%
and in my code it will accept .pattern = xlGray25
but it will not accept 12.5%, so my question is
what is the colorindex # for 12 1/2 percent and
where can i find the whole list from 75% to 6.25%
Any help would be appreciated

Posted by Barrie Davidson on January 26, 2002 2:40 PM

Hmmm, this looks familiar

Jim (the Jim looking for the before print code?), here is a list of the constants available for interior pattern (copied from Excel's help).

xlPatternAutomatic, xlPatternChecker, xlPatternCrissCross, xlPatternDown, xlPatternGray16, xlPatternGray25, xlPatternGray50, xlPatternGray75, xlPatternGray8, xlPatternGrid, xlPatternHorizontal, xlPatternLightDown, xlPatternLightHorizontal, xlPatternLightUp, xlPatternLightVertical, xlPatternNone, xlPatternSemiGray75, xlPatternSolid, xlPatternUp, xlPatternVertical

Hope this helps you out.
BarrieBarrie Davidson