Unable to print my excel documents in landscape

Posted by Frances Williams on July 03, 2001 7:33 AM

I am using Excel 97, do any one knows why I am unable to print in landscape, even though I set my printer to print landscape. help

Posted by snassau626 on July 03, 2001 9:03 AM

Assuming you are choosing Landscape from the PRINT SETUP in Excel... try opening up the Printer from your control panel and selection Landscape from there (and then do the same on Excel). Sometimes the Printers Setting in the Control Panel will overide any of the program's settings. Let me know if it worked.

Posted by snassau626 on July 03, 2001 9:03 AM

Assuming you are choosing Landscape from the PRINT SETUP in Excel... try opening up the Printer from your control panel and selecting Landscape from there (and then do the same on Excel). Sometimes the Printers Setting in the Control Panel will overide any of the program's settings. Let me know if it worked.