Checking to see if a workbook is open

Posted by matk on January 20, 2002 3:42 PM

I would like to check to see if a workbook is open already before attempting to open it. I cannot think of a way to make this happen, and I cant find anything in the vbhelp folder either.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Posted by DK on January 20, 2002 4:00 PM


There are a number of ways of doing this. One way is like this:-

Sub IsItOpen()
Dim strFileName As String, wbEnum As Workbook, blnIsOpen As Boolean

strFileName = "C:\temp\Mybook.xls"

For Each wbEnum In Excel.Workbooks
If wbEnum.Path & "\" & wbEnum.Name = strFileName Then blnIsOpen = True: Exit For

If blnIsOpen = False Then 'Workbook isn't open
Workbooks.Open strFileName
End If

End Sub


Posted by DK on January 20, 2002 4:07 PM

Re: Oops, one small change needed

Because the comparison will be case sensitive (unless you have Option Compare Text at the top of the module) you should change the code to this:-

Sub IsItOpen()
Dim strFileName As String, wbEnum As Workbook, blnIsOpen As Boolean
strFileName = "C:\Temp\Mybook.xls"

For Each wbEnum In Excel.Workbooks
If UCase(wbEnum.Path & "\" & wbEnum.Name) = UCase(strFileName) Then blnIsOpen = True: Exit For

If blnIsOpen = False Then 'Workbook isn't open
Workbooks.Open strFileName
End If

End Sub

It just makes the file you're looking for and the name of each workbook UPPER case.


Posted by matk on January 20, 2002 6:50 PM

Re: Oops, one small change needed

Thanks, youre a champion!

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on January 21, 2002 9:06 AM

Re: Oops, one small change needed

How about this UDF ?

Public Function IsBookOpen(BName As String) As Boolean
Dim WBk As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
If InStr(1, BName, ".xls", 1) = 0 Then BName = BName & ".xls"
Set WBk = Workbooks(BName)
IsBookOpen = (Err = 0) + 0
Set WBk = Nothing
End Function

Juan Pablo G.