Displaying a number as words

Posted by Pete on August 08, 2001 11:36 PM

To anyone who can help.

I am looking for a formulae to display a number as words.

For example I want to display $600.00 as “Six hundred dollars”.


Posted by anno on August 09, 2001 12:11 AM

Knew I'd seen this request somewhere before:

Posted by Rob Jackson on August 09, 2001 5:23 AM

Interesting problem, so I wrote this. It works from 0 to 99999 and all you need to do is add dollars or cents on the end. Just call the first function IntegerToText passing a Long number as the value you want to convert. You will need to call it once for dollar values and once for cent values as it only works on whole numbers.

Function IntegerToText(ByVal Num As Long)
Dim TextNum As String
Dim NumStr As String
Dim LenNum As Integer

If Num < 0 Then
Num = Num * (-1)
End If
TextNum = CStr(Fix(Num))
LenNum = Len(TextNum)

Select Case LenNum
Case 1
NumStr = Xval("0" & TextNum)
Case 2
NumStr = Xval(Right(TextNum, 2))
Case 3
If CInt(Right(TextNum, 2)) = 0 Then
NumStr = Xval("0" & Left(TextNum, 1)) & Units(3)
NumStr = Xval("0" & Left(TextNum, 1)) & Units(3) & "and " & IntegerToText(CInt(Right(TextNum, 2)))
End If
Case 4
If CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)) = 0 Then
NumStr = Xval("0" & Left(TextNum, 1)) & Units(4)
ElseIf CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)) < 100 Then
NumStr = Xval("0" & Left(TextNum, 1)) & Units(4) & "and " & IntegerToText(CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)))
NumStr = Xval("0" & Left(TextNum, 1)) & Units(4) & " " & IntegerToText(CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)))
End If
Case 5
If CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)) = 0 Then
NumStr = Xval(Left(TextNum, 2)) & Units(5)
ElseIf CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)) < 100 Then
NumStr = Xval(Left(TextNum, 2)) & Units(5) & "and " & IntegerToText(CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)))
NumStr = Xval(Left(TextNum, 2)) & Units(5) & " " & IntegerToText(CInt(Right(TextNum, 3)))
End If
Case Else
' Nothing Happens
End Select
IntegerToText = NumStr
End Function

Function Units(ByVal Utype As Integer)
Select Case Utype
Case 1
Units = ""
Case 2
Units = ""
Case 3
Units = "Hundred "
Case 4
Units = "Thousand "
Case 5
Units = "Thousand "
End Select
End Function

Function Xval(ByVal Tval As String)
Select Case Tval
Case "00"
Xval = "Zero "
Case "01"
Xval = "One "
Case "02"
Xval = "Two "
Case "03"
Xval = "Three "
Case "04"
Xval = "Four "
Case "05"
Xval = "Five "
Case "06"
Xval = "Six "
Case "07"
Xval = "Seven "
Case "08"
Xval = "Eight "
Case "09"
Xval = "Nine "
Case "10"
Xval = "Ten "
Case "11"
Xval = "Eleven "
Case "12"
Xval = "Twelve "
Case "13"
Xval = "Thirteen "
Case "14"
Xval = "Fourteen "
Case "15"
Xval = "Fifteen "
Case "16"
Xval = "Sixteen "
Case "17"
Xval = "Seventeen "
Case "18"
Xval = "Eighteen "
Case "19"
Xval = "Nineteen "
End Select

Select Case Left(Tval, 1)
Case "2"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Twenty"
Xval = "Twenty - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
Case "3"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Thirty"
Xval = "Thirty - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
Case "4"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Forty"
Xval = "Forty - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
Case "5"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Fifty"
Xval = "Fifty - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
Case "6"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Sixty"
Xval = "Sixty - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
Case "7"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Seventy"
Xval = "Seventy - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
Case "8"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Eighty"
Xval = "Eighty - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
Case "9"
If Right(Tval, 1) = 0 Then
Xval = "Ninety"
Xval = "Ninety - " & Xval("0" & Right(Tval, 1))
End If
End Select
End Function

This can probably be improved upon but it was a interesting challenge and I don't have the time available to refine it further. It will do the job though.

hope its suitable...
