I have about 1,500 webpages from which I must acquire text. When I view the source code of the website, I learn that the text is always in this item.
<TABLE width=100% class=normal><TR><TD><span class="newstitle">Text to be Acquired</span><br/>
I am not familiar with the html syntax so took a guess at what I needed to copy into this post. I'm interested in the "Text to be Acquired" item.
My Excel file has all 1,500 URLs listed in Col A starting at A2. I would like to simply create VBA code to go out to each URL, grab the text, and return it to the spreadsheet in Col B adjacent to the URL.
Any ideas?
WindowsXP Prof SP3
<TABLE width=100% class=normal><TR><TD><span class="newstitle">Text to be Acquired</span><br/>
I am not familiar with the html syntax so took a guess at what I needed to copy into this post. I'm interested in the "Text to be Acquired" item.
My Excel file has all 1,500 URLs listed in Col A starting at A2. I would like to simply create VBA code to go out to each URL, grab the text, and return it to the spreadsheet in Col B adjacent to the URL.
Any ideas?
WindowsXP Prof SP3