I'm going back to the beginning, this is the original code that worked fine in version '03. There's many sheets in the workbook and when this code is activated I want to hide all sheets from view. It is suppose to create a blank "sheet1", because a workbook needs at least 1 sheet, and hide all the rest. This workbook has a lot of user forms and modules and I had to fix a lot of them when I switch to Excel '10. This one I can't seem to get to work. Any suggested fixes or rewrites would be appreciated.
Sub Hide_Sheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet
'Program steps through each worksheet making them invisible
'leaving sheet1 visible. Workbook must have at least 1 sheet
Set newsheet = Worksheets.Add
newsheet.Name = "Sheet1"
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name = "Sheet1" Then
ws.Visible = True
Else: ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End If
Next ws
End Sub