I am receiving an EXCEL.EXE - Application Error msg box with:
Application has generarated an exception that could not be handled.
Process ID=0x168c(5772, ThreadID=0x10a4(4260).
Click OK to terminate
Click CANCEL to debug
When I click CANCEL:
I get msg box saying - No registered JIT debugger was specified.
Click on Retry to have the process wait while attaching a debugger manually.
Click on Cancel to abort the JIT degug request.
Clicking on Retry takes forever to find anything that I just closed out Excel.
Clicking on Cancel will give me a msg box saying the program stopped working correctly; with a choice to Debug or Close. I closed.
This workbook is one that I made for a fellow employee's Church which has alot of macros and Userforms in it. It was working just fine until recently.
I think I have narrowed it down to a Worksheet_Change event:
Whenever something is placed in column B, either through the UserForm that populates the row or manually, is when I have the msg box problems described above.
What I am trying to do is: Get Proper Case on all entries for that row.
I'm sure theproblem lies in the code above, but don't know where the fix is.
Application has generarated an exception that could not be handled.
Process ID=0x168c(5772, ThreadID=0x10a4(4260).
Click OK to terminate
Click CANCEL to debug
When I click CANCEL:
I get msg box saying - No registered JIT debugger was specified.
Click on Retry to have the process wait while attaching a debugger manually.
Click on Cancel to abort the JIT degug request.
Clicking on Retry takes forever to find anything that I just closed out Excel.
Clicking on Cancel will give me a msg box saying the program stopped working correctly; with a choice to Debug or Close. I closed.
This workbook is one that I made for a fellow employee's Church which has alot of macros and Userforms in it. It was working just fine until recently.
I think I have narrowed it down to a Worksheet_Change event:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Columns(2)) Is Nothing Then
Set rng1 = Intersect(Target, Columns(2))
Set rng2 = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, rng1)
On Error Resume Next
For Each cell In rng2
If cell.Formula <> "" Then
cell.Formula = Format(StrConv(cell.Formula, vbProperCase))
End If
Next cell
End If
End Sub
Whenever something is placed in column B, either through the UserForm that populates the row or manually, is when I have the msg box problems described above.
What I am trying to do is: Get Proper Case on all entries for that row.
I'm sure theproblem lies in the code above, but don't know where the fix is.