Hello Forum,
Was hoping that you guys could help me out with this problem. Basically, I'm trying assign a fiscal quarter to each maturity. For example, if the asset matured in 1/31/2010 it should be tagged as Q1 2010 or if it is maturing in 10/1/2013 then it should be tagged as Q4 2013.
This is what I've got so far. For the maturity column I had a lookup function gathering all the maturities. I copied and pasted the entire column so that it would only have values and then transformed it using text to columns. Then I used the function right to pull the year from the maturity and function left to pull the date (meaning that I had to create additional columns). Lastly, I used this function in order to assort the years and months into fiscal quarters: =CONCATENATE(IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$A$1,L2<=Sheet2!$A$2),"Q1",IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$B$1,L2<=Sheet2!$B$2),"Q2",IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$C$1,L2<=Sheet2!$C$2),"Q3",IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$D$1,L2<=Sheet2!$D$2),"Q4",0))))," ",M2)
Where L2 is the date, M2 is the year and Sheet2 is just a listing of all the quarters. Theres a couple of issues with this. First off, the formula does not correctly assign maturities that are in the fourth quarter. For example, the previous example that I used where the mat is 10/1/2013 would be tagged as Q1 2013 and not Q4 2013. Also, I wanted to keep the lookup column which refreshes the maturities without transforming it to text.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Was hoping that you guys could help me out with this problem. Basically, I'm trying assign a fiscal quarter to each maturity. For example, if the asset matured in 1/31/2010 it should be tagged as Q1 2010 or if it is maturing in 10/1/2013 then it should be tagged as Q4 2013.
This is what I've got so far. For the maturity column I had a lookup function gathering all the maturities. I copied and pasted the entire column so that it would only have values and then transformed it using text to columns. Then I used the function right to pull the year from the maturity and function left to pull the date (meaning that I had to create additional columns). Lastly, I used this function in order to assort the years and months into fiscal quarters: =CONCATENATE(IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$A$1,L2<=Sheet2!$A$2),"Q1",IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$B$1,L2<=Sheet2!$B$2),"Q2",IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$C$1,L2<=Sheet2!$C$2),"Q3",IF(AND(L2>=Sheet2!$D$1,L2<=Sheet2!$D$2),"Q4",0))))," ",M2)
Where L2 is the date, M2 is the year and Sheet2 is just a listing of all the quarters. Theres a couple of issues with this. First off, the formula does not correctly assign maturities that are in the fourth quarter. For example, the previous example that I used where the mat is 10/1/2013 would be tagged as Q1 2013 and not Q4 2013. Also, I wanted to keep the lookup column which refreshes the maturities without transforming it to text.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,