Good Morning all, and thanks in advance for any/all suggestions on my Access 2007 problem.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
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I’m trying to design and build a DB for a software users group that I belong to. The software is used by various financial institutions (FI’s) in a local area. Below is some of the information regarding the SUG and the info I want to track:<o></o>
· Institution name, whether they are a Bank, Credit Union or S&L<o></o>
· What “core processor” they use<o></o>
· Which one(s) of the 5 SUG products the institution uses. They could use any combination of the 5<o></o>
· Whether the Institution has paid their dues for the current year.<o></o>
· Every Institution that pays dues can have an unlimited number of employees that can attend meetings/trainings. For the employees that belong/attend, I need to track:<o></o>
o Name (first and last can be separate or combined,<o></o>
o What FI they are employed by (must be in the list of FIs above)<o></o>
o Phone number<o></o>
o Email address<o></o>
o Title/position<o></o>
o If they are a CPA or other designation that benefits from CPE credits, if offered at a meeting. (this is either “yes” or “no”)<o></o>
· The group meets semi-annually. Ideally, I would also like to track who RSVP’s for each meeting, and who ultimately attends those meetings, but that is down the road from now.<o></o>
<o> </o>
So far, I have the following:<o></o>
· Institution Table<o></o>
o Institution ID (auto-number) <o></o>
o Institution Name<o></o>
o FI Type (many-to-one with FI Type table below)<o></o>
o Core Processor(many-to-one with Core Processor table below)<o></o>
· FI Type Table<o></o>
o FI Type ID (auto number)<o></o>
o FI Type (3 records – Bank, CU, or S&L)<o></o>
· Core Processor Table<o></o>
o Core Processor ID<o></o>
o Core Processor Name<o></o>
· Software Table<o></o>
o Software ID (auto-number)<o></o>
o Software name (5 entries here)<o></o>
· Member Table<o></o>
o Member ID (auto Number)<o></o>
o First Name<o></o>
o Last Name<o></o>
o Employer’s FI Name (many-to-one with Institution Table above)<o></o>
o Phone Number<o></o>
o Email address<o></o>
o Position<o></o>
o If they need CPE Credits (yes/no)<o></o>
<o> </o>
Where I’m having trouble connecting things is the software used to the Financial Institution. For ease of assistance, assume the Software is Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Snake. One institution could have Cat only, another Dog and Bird, another Fish, Dog, and Snake, and yet another, all 5.
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I’ve tried to build this 3 times already, and I keep messing up on the connections of the Software to the Institution? <o></o>
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Again – any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.<o></o>
<o> </o>
I’m trying to design and build a DB for a software users group that I belong to. The software is used by various financial institutions (FI’s) in a local area. Below is some of the information regarding the SUG and the info I want to track:<o></o>
· Institution name, whether they are a Bank, Credit Union or S&L<o></o>
· What “core processor” they use<o></o>
· Which one(s) of the 5 SUG products the institution uses. They could use any combination of the 5<o></o>
· Whether the Institution has paid their dues for the current year.<o></o>
· Every Institution that pays dues can have an unlimited number of employees that can attend meetings/trainings. For the employees that belong/attend, I need to track:<o></o>
o Name (first and last can be separate or combined,<o></o>
o What FI they are employed by (must be in the list of FIs above)<o></o>
o Phone number<o></o>
o Email address<o></o>
o Title/position<o></o>
o If they are a CPA or other designation that benefits from CPE credits, if offered at a meeting. (this is either “yes” or “no”)<o></o>
· The group meets semi-annually. Ideally, I would also like to track who RSVP’s for each meeting, and who ultimately attends those meetings, but that is down the road from now.<o></o>
<o> </o>
So far, I have the following:<o></o>
· Institution Table<o></o>
o Institution ID (auto-number) <o></o>
o Institution Name<o></o>
o FI Type (many-to-one with FI Type table below)<o></o>
o Core Processor(many-to-one with Core Processor table below)<o></o>
· FI Type Table<o></o>
o FI Type ID (auto number)<o></o>
o FI Type (3 records – Bank, CU, or S&L)<o></o>
· Core Processor Table<o></o>
o Core Processor ID<o></o>
o Core Processor Name<o></o>
· Software Table<o></o>
o Software ID (auto-number)<o></o>
o Software name (5 entries here)<o></o>
· Member Table<o></o>
o Member ID (auto Number)<o></o>
o First Name<o></o>
o Last Name<o></o>
o Employer’s FI Name (many-to-one with Institution Table above)<o></o>
o Phone Number<o></o>
o Email address<o></o>
o Position<o></o>
o If they need CPE Credits (yes/no)<o></o>
<o> </o>
Where I’m having trouble connecting things is the software used to the Financial Institution. For ease of assistance, assume the Software is Dog, Cat, Fish, Bird, Snake. One institution could have Cat only, another Dog and Bird, another Fish, Dog, and Snake, and yet another, all 5.
<o> </o>
I’ve tried to build this 3 times already, and I keep messing up on the connections of the Software to the Institution? <o></o>
<o> </o>
Again – any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.<o></o>