I have =COUNTA(Account!$A$3:$A$176)
the reference it Account is about 16 times and I will need to change each one to make a tab for 'Account 145' 'Account 589' and so on. Is there a way to say
=COUNTA('H1'!$A$3:$A$176) and H1 is 'Account 589' and have the formula use and sheet name typed in H1?
I could then cut and paste the formula and only need to change the name in H1.
the reference it Account is about 16 times and I will need to change each one to make a tab for 'Account 145' 'Account 589' and so on. Is there a way to say
=COUNTA('H1'!$A$3:$A$176) and H1 is 'Account 589' and have the formula use and sheet name typed in H1?
I could then cut and paste the formula and only need to change the name in H1.