am so sorry! The first 4 values should go to row A2 on Sheet 2 from Sheet 1 column A1.
So, the column from A1 on Sheet 1 should transpose to Sheet 2 A2.
Am already using a macro for this, however, the code doesnot include that the first 4 values should always be the same.
Note : The macro transposes first 1000 values from sheet 1 column A to sheet 2 Row A2
Next thousand from sheet 1 column A to sheet 2 Row A3 and so on.(it has to be strictly thousand or 999)
Now, whenever I use the macro, no matter what data I paste, I need the first 4 values to be the same and fixed and get transposed everytime. the values are svcdlvcpo, sdocpw, cpoprod1, sdocpo11 (Sheet 1 a2 to a5). I tried to write these values from a2 to a5 and hide those cells, but it dint work and didnot look great as well.
For both the sheets am not using Column B.
My thoughts :
I thought instead of making changes to the code in Sheet1, can we write a code so that the values svcdlvcpo, sdocpw, cpoprod1, sdocpo11 auto populate to sheet 2 A2 and then the next values pasted follow