How do I auto-populate check boxes when an item is selected in a drop-down menu. I have a drop down menu with a list of parts. Each part is tested for specific criteria. In the excel spreadsheet, if there is an error in the part that needs to be checked in the check box it is listed as a 1.
For example: Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Part 1 _______1______1_____0____1
Part 2 _______1______0_____1____1
After my part is selected in the drop down menu, I want check boxes for each test to be checked off. The 1 shows what I want to be checked in the check box, and the zero indicates what I don't want to be checked off in the interface of this program. Can anyone help me???
For example: Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Part 1 _______1______1_____0____1
Part 2 _______1______0_____1____1
After my part is selected in the drop down menu, I want check boxes for each test to be checked off. The 1 shows what I want to be checked in the check box, and the zero indicates what I don't want to be checked off in the interface of this program. Can anyone help me???