I was wondering if anyone has a formula to calculate feet between two gps coordinates?
Latitude Longitude
42.7642733333333 -87.8000916666667
42.764265 -87.7996183333333
From the formulas that I have put together and the ones I have found online my results have varied. I have found a difference of anywhere from 20 feet all the way to 123 feet. I know for a fact these distances cannot be more than 15 feet apart. Any suggestions
Latitude Longitude
42.7642733333333 -87.8000916666667
42.764265 -87.7996183333333
From the formulas that I have put together and the ones I have found online my results have varied. I have found a difference of anywhere from 20 feet all the way to 123 feet. I know for a fact these distances cannot be more than 15 feet apart. Any suggestions