Hi All,
I have managed to do count using for row of check box tick in user form, thks to brother here. Result in x, y and Z are display using label which auto count. Anybody can help me on displaying answer in real time in below userform. It should be display automatic and not click button to display. And also if result less than 15%, then auto display Fail else Pass.
Good Bad Poor
Cake ChkBox1 ChkBox2 ChkBox3
Pizza ChkBox4 ChkBox5 ChkBox6
Pie ChkBox7 ChkBox8 ChkBox9
Curry puff ChkBox10 ChkBox11 ChkBox12
Cholcate ChkBox13 ChkBox14 ChkBox15
Count X Y Z
%Result X/(X+Y+Z)*30%
Rel Pass/Fail
I have managed to do count using for row of check box tick in user form, thks to brother here. Result in x, y and Z are display using label which auto count. Anybody can help me on displaying answer in real time in below userform. It should be display automatic and not click button to display. And also if result less than 15%, then auto display Fail else Pass.
Good Bad Poor
Cake ChkBox1 ChkBox2 ChkBox3
Pizza ChkBox4 ChkBox5 ChkBox6
Pie ChkBox7 ChkBox8 ChkBox9
Curry puff ChkBox10 ChkBox11 ChkBox12
Cholcate ChkBox13 ChkBox14 ChkBox15
Count X Y Z
%Result X/(X+Y+Z)*30%
Rel Pass/Fail