Call a macro based on text in column C (same row that is active).


Well-known Member
Jul 24, 2019
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hi I was hoping someone could help me with this.

I am looking to call different macros depending on what text is in column C on the same row of a selected cell.

So when I select "Open" on Cell Y2, the macro will check text in cell C2 (-22) and call a macro depending on the text in that cell.

If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "Customer Concern" Call CC
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "CAPA" Call CAPA
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "Interruptions" Call Interruptions
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "Supplier Non-Conformance" Call NCR
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = 'anything else "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
End sub

I know this is not correct but I am looking for something like this.

Thank you to anyone who can help.

What I have so far:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Intersect(Target, Range("Y:Y")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Select Case Target.Text

Case "Open": Call Complete_File

Case "Closed": Call Verify_Form

Case Else: Exit Sub

End Select

End Sub

Sub Complete_File()


' Complete_File Macro


Dim msg As String, ans As Variant, lr As Long, Sh As Worksheet, lo As ListObject

If Application.CountIf(Sheets("CC Database").Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 1), Cells(Selection.Row, 20)), "") > 0 Then

MsgBox "Please Complete all manditory fields (Columns B to T)"

Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 25), Cells(Selection.Row, 25)).ClearContents

Exit Sub

End If

‘*****Add requested code here*****

1New IdentifierOriginal IdentifierTypeDate OpenedOpened byEstimated Completion DateDivisionArea/Department/CellSourceDiscrepancy/Issue/ReasonWork Order/Job #PO#Model #QtyCorresponding NCR/CC/CAPA/Interruption #Customer/VendorPart Name / DescriptionPart Number / Document ReferenceSerial # / ProcessOwnerVerification/Action/RepairedWarranty Granted Y/N /ReprocessComments/NotesFlag DateStatusClosed DateMan HoursLabour CostMaterial CostTotal CostWork done in good faithTotal Days Active
2Q5000CC1234Customer Concern30-Oct-241st DivisionFrontErrorN/A123456N/A15555CustomerPart444444Open
Cells with Data Validation

Excel Facts

Ambidextrous Undo
Undo last command with Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace. If you use the Undo icon in the QAT, open the drop-down arrow to undo up to 100 steps.
I haven't tried to validate your existing code but this will add the functionality you described:
VBA Code:
         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C")
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select

You don't need to use "Call", it's obsolete and included in the language for backwards compatibility to old code.
Upvote 0
Hi I was hoping someone could help me with this.

I am looking to call different macros depending on what text is in column C on the same row of a selected cell.

So when I select "Open" on Cell Y2, the macro will check text in cell C2 (-22) and call a macro depending on the text in that cell.

If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "Customer Concern" Call CC
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "CAPA" Call CAPA
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "Interruptions" Call Interruptions
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = "Supplier Non-Conformance" Call NCR
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, -22).Range("A1") = 'anything else "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
End sub

I know this is not correct but I am looking for something like this.

Thank you to anyone who can help.

What I have so far:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Intersect(Target, Range("Y:Y")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Select Case Target.Text

Case "Open": Call Complete_File

Case "Closed": Call Verify_Form

Case Else: Exit Sub

End Select

End Sub

Sub Complete_File()


' Complete_File Macro


Dim msg As String, ans As Variant, lr As Long, Sh As Worksheet, lo As ListObject

If Application.CountIf(Sheets("CC Database").Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 1), Cells(Selection.Row, 20)), "") > 0 Then

MsgBox "Please Complete all manditory fields (Columns B to T)"

Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 25), Cells(Selection.Row, 25)).ClearContents

Exit Sub

End If

‘*****Add requested code here*****

1New IdentifierOriginal IdentifierTypeDate OpenedOpened byEstimated Completion DateDivisionArea/Department/CellSourceDiscrepancy/Issue/ReasonWork Order/Job #PO#Model #QtyCorresponding NCR/CC/CAPA/Interruption #Customer/VendorPart Name / DescriptionPart Number / Document ReferenceSerial # / ProcessOwnerVerification/Action/RepairedWarranty Granted Y/N /ReprocessComments/NotesFlag DateStatusClosed DateMan HoursLabour CostMaterial CostTotal CostWork done in good faithTotal Days Active
2Q5000CC1234Customer Concern30-Oct-241st DivisionFrontErrorN/A123456N/A15555CustomerPart444444Open
Cells with Data Validation
This will check what you have entered into column Y and call the procedure depending on what is in column C.

Call a macro based on text in column C.xlsm
1New IdentifierOriginal IdentifierTypeDate OpenedOpened byEstimated Completion DateDivisionArea/Department/CellSourceDiscrepancy/Issue/ReasonWork Order/Job #PO#Model #QtyCorresponding NCR/CC/CAPA/Interruption #Customer/VendorPart Name / DescriptionPart Number / Document ReferenceSerial # / ProcessOwnerVerification/Action/RepairedWarranty Granted Y/N /ReprocessComments/NotesFlag DateStatusClosed DateMan HoursLabour CostMaterial CostTotal CostWork done in good faithTotal Days Active
2Q5000CC1234Customer Concern30-Oct-241st DivisionFrontErrorN/A123456N/A15555CustomerPart444444Open
3Q5001CC1235Interruptions31-Oct-242nd DivisionFrontErrorN/A123457N/A15555CustomerPart444445Open
4Q5002CC1236Supplier Non-Conformance01-Nov-243rd DivisionFrontErrorN/A123458N/A15555CustomerPart444446Open
5Q5003CC1237CAPA02-Nov-244th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123459N/A15555CustomerPart444447Open
6Q5004CC1238Customer Concern03-Nov-245th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123460N/A15555CustomerPart444448Open
7Q5005CC1239Customer Concern04-Nov-246th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123461N/A15555CustomerPart444449Open
8Q5006CC1240Customer Concern05-Nov-247th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123462N/A15555CustomerPart444450Open
Cells with Data Validation

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

  If Target.CountLarge > 1 Then
    Exit Sub
  End If

  If Not Intersect(Target, Range("Y:Y")) Is Nothing Then
    If Target.Value <> "Open" Then
      Exit Sub
    End If

    Select Case Target.Offset(0, -22).Value
      Case "Customer Concern": CC

      Case "CAPA": CAPA
      Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
      Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
      Case Else:
        MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type", vbOKOnly, "Warning!"
    End Select

  End If

End Sub

Public Sub CC()
  MsgBox "CC"
End Sub

Public Sub CAPA()
  MsgBox "CAPA"
End Sub

Public Sub Interruptions()
  MsgBox "Interruptions"
End Sub

Public Sub NCR()
  MsgBox "NCR"
End Sub
Upvote 0
I haven't tried to validate your existing code but this will add the functionality you described:
VBA Code:
         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C")
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select

You don't need to use "Call", it's obsolete and included in the language for backwards compatibility to old code.
I implemented the above code but got a Compile error listed below:


VBA Code:
Sub Complete_File()
' Complete_File Macro
  Dim msg As String, ans As Variant, lr As Long, Sh As Worksheet, lo As ListObject
  If Application.CountIf(Sheets("Q Log").Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 1), Cells(Selection.Row, 20)), "") > 0 Then
  MsgBox "Please Complete all manditory fields (Columns B to T)"
Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 25), Cells(Selection.Row, 25)).ClearContents
    Exit Sub
  End If

msg = "Your Quality File will be finalized," & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & " Do you wish to continue?"

    ans = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo)

    Select Case ans

         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C") '****Error on this line****
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select
            Case vbNo
        GoTo Quit:
    End Select

End Sub
Upvote 0
This will check what you have entered into column Y and call the procedure depending on what is in column C.

Call a macro based on text in column C.xlsm
1New IdentifierOriginal IdentifierTypeDate OpenedOpened byEstimated Completion DateDivisionArea/Department/CellSourceDiscrepancy/Issue/ReasonWork Order/Job #PO#Model #QtyCorresponding NCR/CC/CAPA/Interruption #Customer/VendorPart Name / DescriptionPart Number / Document ReferenceSerial # / ProcessOwnerVerification/Action/RepairedWarranty Granted Y/N /ReprocessComments/NotesFlag DateStatusClosed DateMan HoursLabour CostMaterial CostTotal CostWork done in good faithTotal Days Active
2Q5000CC1234Customer Concern30-Oct-241st DivisionFrontErrorN/A123456N/A15555CustomerPart444444Open
3Q5001CC1235Interruptions31-Oct-242nd DivisionFrontErrorN/A123457N/A15555CustomerPart444445Open
4Q5002CC1236Supplier Non-Conformance01-Nov-243rd DivisionFrontErrorN/A123458N/A15555CustomerPart444446Open
5Q5003CC1237CAPA02-Nov-244th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123459N/A15555CustomerPart444447Open
6Q5004CC1238Customer Concern03-Nov-245th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123460N/A15555CustomerPart444448Open
7Q5005CC1239Customer Concern04-Nov-246th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123461N/A15555CustomerPart444449Open
8Q5006CC1240Customer Concern05-Nov-247th DivisionFrontErrorN/A123462N/A15555CustomerPart444450Open
Cells with Data Validation

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

  If Target.CountLarge > 1 Then
    Exit Sub
  End If

  If Not Intersect(Target, Range("Y:Y")) Is Nothing Then
    If Target.Value <> "Open" Then
      Exit Sub
    End If

    Select Case Target.Offset(0, -22).Value
      Case "Customer Concern": CC

      Case "CAPA": CAPA
      Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
      Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
      Case Else:
        MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type", vbOKOnly, "Warning!"
    End Select

  End If

End Sub

Public Sub CC()
  MsgBox "CC"
End Sub

Public Sub CAPA()
  MsgBox "CAPA"
End Sub

Public Sub Interruptions()
  MsgBox "Interruptions"
End Sub

Public Sub NCR()
  MsgBox "NCR"
End Sub
This works but does not account for another option in Column Y like my original. I do need another Macro called for if the cell states "Closed". I am not sure how to modify this to account for that unfortunately.
Upvote 0
That because you put my code in an invalid location, which is described in the error message.
Rich (BB code):
    ans = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo)

    Select Case ans
You cannot put any code here===>
         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C") 
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select
<===to here       
            Case vbNo
        GoTo Quit:
    End Select

End Sub

Also, don't use GoTo. Ever.

I think you want this (remove ans)
VBA Code:
    If MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C") '****Error on this line****
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select

   End If

End Sub
Upvote 0
That because you put my code in an invalid location, which is described in the error message.
Rich (BB code):
    ans = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo)

    Select Case ans
You cannot put any code here===>
         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C")
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select
<===to here      
            Case vbNo
        GoTo Quit:
    End Select

End Sub

Also, don't use GoTo. Ever.

I think you want this (remove ans)
VBA Code:
    If MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C") '****Error on this line****
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select

   End If

End Sub
I do require that code at the beginning to make sure the user has filled out Columns B to T and to verify if they wish to continue before even calling another Macro. I do not see how to accomplish this if your code is first...

VBA Code:
Sub Complete_File()
' Complete_File Macro
  Dim msg As String, ans As Variant, lr As Long, Sh As Worksheet, lo As ListObject
  If Application.CountIf(Sheets("Q Log").Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 1), Cells(Selection.Row, 20)), "") > 0 Then
  MsgBox "Please Complete all manditory fields (Columns B to T)"
Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 25), Cells(Selection.Row, 25)).ClearContents
    Exit Sub
  End If

msg = "Your Quality File will be finalized," & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & " Do you wish to continue?"

    If MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

    Select Case ans

         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C")
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select
End If

End Sub
Upvote 0
I do require that code at the beginning to make sure the user has filled out Columns B to T and to verify if they wish to continue before even calling another Macro. I do not see how to accomplish this if your code is first...

VBA Code:
Sub Complete_File()
' Complete_File Macro
  Dim msg As String, ans As Variant, lr As Long, Sh As Worksheet, lo As ListObject
  If Application.CountIf(Sheets("Q Log").Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 1), Cells(Selection.Row, 20)), "") > 0 Then
  MsgBox "Please Complete all manditory fields (Columns B to T)"
Range(Cells(Selection.Row, 25), Cells(Selection.Row, 25)).ClearContents
    Exit Sub
  End If

msg = "Your Quality File will be finalized," & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & " Do you wish to continue?"

    If MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

    Select Case ans

         Select Case Cells(Selection.Row, "C")
            Case "Customer Concern": CC
            Case "CAPA": CAPA
            Case "Interruptions": Interruptions
            Case "Supplier Non-Conformance": NCR
            Case Else: MsgBox "Please select a valid Quality Issue Type"
         End Select
End If

End Sub
Never mind. I see the line I missed removing. Thank you very much!
Upvote 0
I do require that code at the beginning to make sure the user has filled out Columns B to T and to verify if they wish to continue before even calling another Macro. I do not see how to accomplish this if your code is first...
I wrote it for you. See the code in my most recent post.
Upvote 0

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