On 2002-09-24 23:46, jwhite wrote:
Anno...it was a little longer than 20 minutes thank you! And I thought the original question may have been unclear and wanted to restate it, don't jump all over me buddy!
The text file is on the C: drive in a seperate folder and simply contains a date.
Jeff...hey he is a fellow Aussie
You didn't specify the date format...
Here is one way ...Try this routine.
Sub ReadFromFile()
Dim Fs As FileSystemObject
Dim Ts As TextStream
Dim sVar
Dim TodaysDate
Dim Result As String
'// Change this constant to your Full path name
Const sFile As String = "C:AATextone.txt"
Const sLess As String = " Less then "
Const sGreater As String = " Greater then "
TodaysDate = Date
Set Fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Ts = Fs.OpenTextFile(sFile)
With Ts
sVar = .ReadAll
End With
sVar = CVDate(sVar)
Result = IIf(TodaysDate < sVar, sLess, sGreater)
MsgBox "Text date:= " & sVar & vbCr & _
"Todays Date:= " & TodaysDate & vbCr & _
"Todays date is" & Result & "TextFile date!"
End Sub