Below are two class methods. The first creates a shape on the chart. The second creates a simple userform. The second method is called from within the first.
Once the "ovlPointer" is created it acts like a "child object" .ie when you move the "ovlPointer" it is constrained by the chart boundries; however, when the userform is created it is outside of the chart boundries and seems to be independent of the chart.
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Once the "ovlPointer" is created it acts like a "child object" .ie when you move the "ovlPointer" it is constrained by the chart boundries; however, when the userform is created it is outside of the chart boundries and seems to be independent of the chart.
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Private Sub mchtChart_Activate()
Dim tt As Object
Set tt = ActiveChart.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 25, 25, 20, 20)
tt.Name = "ovlPointer"
Me.mchtChart.Shapes.Range(Array("ovlPointer")).Fill.Transparency = 1
Call LegendControl2(Me)
End Sub
Sub LegendControl2(oChart As CChart)
With UserForm1
.Left = oChart.mchtChart.Legend.Left
.Top = oChart.mchtChart.Legend.Top
.Width = 100
.Height = newControls.Count * 20 + 1
End With
End Sub