My data denotes simple relationships between entities. I have taken it from a matrix and ended up with a table where particular relationships are duplicated, back to front. I want to delete these duplications so I am left with only one row for each relationship pair (order is irrelevant as relationships are bi-directional).
edit - I should mention that the entity numbers are not sequential - I.e. there are lots of missing numbers. some entities have multiple relationships, e.g. entity 1 is also paired with entity 3, etc.
any suggestions appreciated, have searched high and low.
My data denotes simple relationships between entities. I have taken it from a matrix and ended up with a table where particular relationships are duplicated, back to front. I want to delete these duplications so I am left with only one row for each relationship pair (order is irrelevant as relationships are bi-directional).
Column A | ColumnB |
Entity 1 | Entity 2 |
Entity 2 | Entity 1 |
edit - I should mention that the entity numbers are not sequential - I.e. there are lots of missing numbers. some entities have multiple relationships, e.g. entity 1 is also paired with entity 3, etc.
any suggestions appreciated, have searched high and low.
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