I need to chart a schedule that has date across x axis and the tasks along the y axis. The task for each project should look like a little bar along the timeline with each project being a different color code. I have been able to figure this out for a single project timeline but not how to integrate the other projects with the same task list along different dates (and color code by project). I thought a bar graph of some sort may work but can't figure out how to create it with the added dimension! Any ideas?!?
Program | Task | Start Date | Target Completion Date |
Project 1 | Targeted Offer List To Company M | 06/01/12 | 06/04/12 |
Project 1 | Company M Marketing reviews Offer List w/ Company M Merchandising | 06/08/12 | 06/12/12 |
Project 1 | Review offer list, make final adjustments and update | 06/12/12 | 06/18/12 |
Project 1 | Brochure Creative Development | 06/14/12 | 08/08/12 |
Project 1 | Review Potential Offer List & Offer Copy before Coupon Creation & Targeting | 06/18/12 | 06/25/12 |
Project 1 | Run distribution numbers for potential offer list | 06/19/12 | 06/25/12 |
Project 1 | March Program Results Delivered | 06/25/12 | 06/25/12 |
Project 4 | Targeted Offer List To Company M | 06/28/12 | 07/01/12 |
Project 4 | Company M Marketing reviews Offer List w/ Company M Merchandising | 07/05/12 | 07/09/12 |
Project 5 | Targeted Offer List To Company M | 07/05/12 | 07/08/12 |
Project 4 | Review offer list, make final adjustments and update | 07/09/12 | 07/15/12 |
Project 1 | Finalize Offer List | 07/10/12 | 07/17/12 |
Project 4 | Brochure Creative Development | 07/11/12 | 09/04/12 |
Project 5 | Company M Marketing reviews Offer List w/ Company M Merchandising | 07/12/12 | 07/16/12 |
Project 4 | Review Potential Offer List & Offer Copy before Coupon Creation & Targeting | 07/15/12 | 07/22/12 |
Project 4 | Run distribution numbers for potential offer list | 07/16/12 | 07/22/12 |
Project 1 | Secure Brands Participation | 07/16/12 | 08/27/12 |
Project 5 | Review offer list, make final adjustments and update | 07/16/12 | 07/22/12 |
Project 1 | Secure Coupon Images | 07/17/12 | 07/24/12 |
Project 1 | Secure and Develop High Res Bar Codes | 07/17/12 | 07/24/12 |
Project 5 | Brochure Creative Development | 07/18/12 | 09/11/12 |
Project 4 | March Program Results Delivered | 07/22/12 | 07/22/12 |
Project 4 | Secure Brands Participation | 07/22/12 | 09/23/12 |
Project 5 | Review Potential Offer List & Offer Copy before Coupon Creation & Targeting | 07/22/12 | 07/29/12 |
Project 5 | Run distribution numbers for potential offer list | 07/23/12 | 07/29/12 |
Project 1 | Updated household decile file with full address indicator delivered | 07/25/12 | 07/28/12 |
Project 1 | Coupon Development | 07/25/12 | 08/02/12 |
Project 1 | Target all offers on finalized list with updated household file | 07/27/12 | 08/03/12 |
Project 5 | March Program Results Delivered | 07/29/12 | 07/29/12 |
Project 5 | Secure Brands Participation | 07/29/12 | 09/30/12 |
Project 2 | Targeted Offer List To Company M | 08/06/12 | 08/09/12 |
Project 4 | Finalize Offer List | 08/06/12 | 08/13/12 |
Project 1 | Household Merge Completed | 08/06/12 | 08/10/12 |
Project 1 | Final Coupon Creative to Printer | 08/07/12 | 08/08/12 |
Project 1 | Final Brochure Creative Artwork to Printer | 08/07/12 | 08/08/12 |
Project 1 | HH counts by offer approval | 08/09/12 | 08/13/12 |
Project 1 | Final Proof Approvals / Targeting File Completed | 08/09/12 | 08/13/12 |
Project 2 | Company M Marketing reviews Offer List w/ Company M Merchandising | 08/13/12 | 08/17/12 |
Project 4 | Secure Coupon Images | 08/13/12 | 08/20/12 |
Project 4 | Secure and Develop High Res Bar Codes | 08/13/12 | 08/20/12 |
Project 5 | Finalize Offer List | 08/13/12 | 08/20/12 |
Project 1 | Printing | 08/14/12 | 08/21/12 |
Project 2 | Review offer list, make final adjustments and update | 08/17/12 | 08/23/12 |
Project 2 | Brochure Creative Development | 08/19/12 | 10/13/12 |
Project 5 | Secure Coupon Images | 08/20/12 | 08/27/12 |
Project 5 | Secure and Develop High Res Bar Codes | 08/20/12 | 08/27/12 |
Project 4 | Updated household decile file with full address indicator delivered | 08/21/12 | 08/24/12 |
Project 4 | Coupon Development | 08/21/12 | 08/29/12 |
Project 1 | Drop Ship to Indy & Mail | 08/21/12 | 08/27/12 |
Project 2 | Review Potential Offer List & Offer Copy before Coupon Creation & Targeting | 08/23/12 | 08/30/12 |
Project 4 | Target all offers on finalized list with updated household file | 08/23/12 | 08/30/12 |
Project 2 | Run distribution numbers for potential offer list | 08/24/12 | 08/30/12 |
Project 1 | In Home Date | 08/28/12 | 09/01/12 |
Project 5 | Updated household decile file with full address indicator delivered | 08/28/12 | 08/31/12 |
Project 5 | Coupon Development | 08/28/12 | 09/05/12 |
Project 3 | Targeted Offer List To Company M | 08/29/12 | 09/03/12 |
Project 2 | March Program Results Delivered | 08/30/12 | 08/30/12 |
Project 2 | Secure Brands Participation | 08/30/12 | 11/01/12 |
Project 5 | Target all offers on finalized list with updated household file | 08/30/12 | 09/06/12 |
Project 4 | Household Merge Completed | 09/02/12 | 09/06/12 |
Project 4 | Final Coupon Creative to Printer | 09/03/12 | 09/04/12 |
Project 4 | Final Brochure Creative Artwork to Printer | 09/03/12 | 09/04/12 |
Project 4 | HH counts by offer approval | 09/05/12 | 09/09/12 |
Project 4 | Final Proof Approvals / Targeting File Completed | 09/05/12 | 09/09/12 |
Project 3 | Company M Marketing reviews Offer List w/ Company M Merchandising | 09/07/12 | 09/11/12 |
Project 5 | Household Merge Completed | 09/09/12 | 09/13/12 |
Project 4 | Printing | 09/10/12 | 09/17/12 |
Project 5 | Final Coupon Creative to Printer | 09/10/12 | 09/11/12 |
Project 5 | Final Brochure Creative Artwork to Printer | 09/10/12 | 09/11/12 |
Project 3 | Review offer list, make final adjustments and update | 09/11/12 | 09/17/12 |
Project 5 | HH counts by offer approval | 09/12/12 | 09/16/12 |
Project 5 | Final Proof Approvals / Targeting File Completed | 09/12/12 | 09/16/12 |
Project 3 | Brochure Creative Development | 09/13/12 | 11/07/12 |
Project 2 | Finalize Offer List | 09/14/12 | 09/21/12 |
Project 3 | Review Potential Offer List & Offer Copy before Coupon Creation & Targeting | 09/17/12 | 09/24/12 |
Project 4 | Drop Ship to Indy & Mail | 09/17/12 | 09/23/12 |
Project 5 | Printing | 09/17/12 | 09/24/12 |
Project 3 | Run distribution numbers for potential offer list | 09/18/12 | 09/24/12 |
Project 2 | Secure Coupon Images | 09/21/12 | 09/28/12 |
Project 2 | Secure and Develop High Res Bar Codes | 09/21/12 | 09/28/12 |
Project 3 | March Program Results Delivered | 09/24/12 | 09/24/12 |
Project 4 | In Home Date | 09/24/12 | 09/28/12 |
Project 5 | Drop Ship to Indy & Mail | 09/24/12 | 09/30/12 |
Project 3 | Secure Brands Participation | 09/28/12 | 11/26/12 |
Project 2 | Updated household decile file with full address indicator delivered | 09/29/12 | 10/02/12 |
Project 2 | Coupon Development | 09/29/12 | 10/08/12 |
Project 2 | Target all offers on finalized list with updated household file | 10/01/12 | 10/08/12 |
Project 5 | In Home Date | 10/01/12 | 10/05/12 |
Project 3 | Finalize Offer List | 10/09/12 | 10/16/12 |
Project 2 | Household Merge Completed | 10/11/12 | 10/15/12 |
Project 2 | Final Coupon Creative to Printer | 10/11/12 | 10/12/12 |
Project 2 | Final Brochure Creative Artwork to Printer | 10/11/12 | 10/12/12 |
Project 2 | HH counts by offer approval | 10/15/12 | 10/18/12 |
Project 2 | Final Proof Approvals / Targeting File Completed | 10/15/12 | 10/18/12 |
Project 3 | Secure Coupon Images | 10/16/12 | 10/23/12 |
Project 3 | Secure and Develop High Res Bar Codes | 10/16/12 | 10/23/12 |
Project 2 | Printing | 10/19/12 | 10/26/12 |
Project 3 | Updated household decile file with full address indicator delivered | 10/24/12 | 10/26/12 |
Project 3 | Coupon Development | 10/24/12 | 11/01/12 |
Project 3 | Target all offers on finalized list with updated household file | 10/26/12 | 11/02/12 |
Project 2 | Drop Ship to Indy & Mail | 10/26/12 | 11/01/12 |
Project 2 | In Home Date | 11/02/12 | 11/06/12 |
Project 3 | Household Merge Completed | 11/05/12 | 11/09/12 |
Project 3 | Final Coupon Creative to Printer | 11/06/12 | 11/07/12 |
Project 3 | Final Brochure Creative Artwork to Printer | 11/06/12 | 11/07/12 |
Project 3 | HH counts by offer approval | 11/08/12 | 11/12/12 |
Project 3 | Final Proof Approvals / Targeting File Completed | 11/08/12 | 11/12/12 |
Project 3 | Printing | 11/13/12 | 11/20/12 |
Project 3 | Drop Ship to Indy & Mail | 11/20/12 | 11/26/12 |
Project 3 | In Home Date | 11/27/12 | 12/01/12 |