I have a for loop in VBA that creates charts and assigns them a width, height, left and top value:
This is not the full code, its missing the for loop...
The problem is the charts are all stacked on top of each other because of the Top property in the ActiveSheet. If I remove the ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Top the charts line up along the right as I want but the two charts that are created per loop are on top of each other. So per loop I have two charts that that ActiveChart.ChartArea.Left = 1000 and this works perfectly but when I use the ActiveChart.ChartArea.Top = 420 and ActiveChart.ChartArea.Top = 10 all of the charts per loop are at the top 10 and 420.
In stick view I want this: Each return is a row
- Chart
- Chart
- Chart
- Chart
If I remove the top parameter I get this: Where there are two charts below each word "Chart"
- Charts
- Charts
And I use the code above I get this: Where all the charts regardless of the numner of loops are at the top stacked on top of each other.
- Chart
- Chart
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a for loop in VBA that creates charts and assigns them a width, height, left and top value:
Range("A" + CStr(dayend) + ":D" + CStr(daystart)).Select
Range("A" + CStr(daystart)).Activate
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'Test'!$A$" + CStr(dayend) + ":$D$" + CStr(daystart))
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlStockOHLC
ActiveChart.HasAxis(xlCategory) = True
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).TickMarkSpacing = 25
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).ReversePlotOrder = True
Selection.MajorTickMark = xlCross
Selection.TickLabelPosition = xlNone
ActiveChart.ChartStyle = 35
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Width = 600
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Height = 400
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Left = 1000
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Top = 10
Range("H" + CStr(dayend) + ":I" + CStr(daystart)).Select
Range("H" + CStr(daystart)).Activate
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'Test'!$H$" + CStr(dayend) + ":$I$" + CStr(daystart))
'ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'Test'!$H$97:$I$192")'
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlSurface
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=12
ActiveChart.HasAxis(xlCategory) = True
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).TickMarkSpacing = 25
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).ReversePlotOrder = True
Selection.MajorTickMark = xlCross
Selection.TickLabelPosition = xlNone
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Top = 420
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Width = 600
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Height = 400
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Left = 1000
This is not the full code, its missing the for loop...
The problem is the charts are all stacked on top of each other because of the Top property in the ActiveSheet. If I remove the ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Top the charts line up along the right as I want but the two charts that are created per loop are on top of each other. So per loop I have two charts that that ActiveChart.ChartArea.Left = 1000 and this works perfectly but when I use the ActiveChart.ChartArea.Top = 420 and ActiveChart.ChartArea.Top = 10 all of the charts per loop are at the top 10 and 420.
In stick view I want this: Each return is a row
- Chart
- Chart
- Chart
- Chart
If I remove the top parameter I get this: Where there are two charts below each word "Chart"
- Charts
- Charts
And I use the code above I get this: Where all the charts regardless of the numner of loops are at the top stacked on top of each other.
- Chart
- Chart
Any help would be greatly appreciated.