I have a code that will check charts and force update them. I need to update the code to go through all charts on several worksheets. I'm assuming I need to create a loop but I'm not too sure how. Can someone help? Here is the code:
Sub ManuallyUpdateAllCharts()
Dim ch As ChartObject
Dim cht As Chart
Dim sc As Series
Dim strValues$, strXValues$
Dim i&
Dim strProblems$()
Dim lProblems&
Dim strReport$
lProblems = 0
strReport = ""
For Each ch In Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects
' MsgBox ch.Name
Set cht = ch.Chart
For Each sc In cht.SeriesCollection
On Error Resume Next
i = LBound(sc.Values)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
strValues = ParseRangeFromChartFormula(sc.Formula, True)
strXValues = ParseRangeFromChartFormula(sc.Formula, False)
If Left(strXValues, 1) <> "(" And Left(strValues, 1) <> "(" Then
If CheckChartAgainstSheet(sc.Values, strValues$, sc.XValues, strXValues$) Then
lProblems = lProblems + 1
If lProblems = 1 Then
ReDim strProblems(1 To 1)
If cht.HasTitle Then
strProblems(1) = cht.ChartTitle.Text & ": Series # " & i
strProblems(1) = cht.Name & ": Series # " & i
End If
ReDim Preserve strProblems(1 To lProblems)
If cht.HasTitle Then
strProblems(lProblems) = cht.ChartTitle.Text & ": Series # " & i
strProblems(lProblems) = cht.Name & ": Series # " & i
End If
End If
sc.Formula = sc.Formula
GoTo ErrorBreak
End If
End If
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Next sc
Next ch
If lProblems > 0 Then
strReport = "There are " & lProblems & " charts with data that do not match the spreadsheet:"
For i = 1 To lProblems
strReport = strReport & vbCrLf & strProblems(i)
Next i
strReport = strReport & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The macro made an attempt to correct these errors, but you should check to confirm."
'MsgBox strReport, vbCritical
End If
End Sub