Users can start an automatic copying process (active row from active sheet to sheet 2) by simply putting a date in a cell in column K. The activecell.row is copied over.
As part of the copying process, the value in cell D on the active row (the serial number) is copied to sheet 2.
Before this happens, I would like a checking procedure added to the code which will stop the same row being copied more than once, thus avoiding duplicates.
I have tried InStr and also worksheet.CountIf but can't figure this out.
Code snippet below.
where the value in TempRef (the serial number) is searched for in Sheet 2 col A.
all help appreciated.
Users can start an automatic copying process (active row from active sheet to sheet 2) by simply putting a date in a cell in column K. The activecell.row is copied over.
As part of the copying process, the value in cell D on the active row (the serial number) is copied to sheet 2.
Before this happens, I would like a checking procedure added to the code which will stop the same row being copied more than once, thus avoiding duplicates.
I have tried InStr and also worksheet.CountIf but can't figure this out.
Code snippet below.
If InStr(1, Sheets("Sheet!2").Range("A:A" & lngLastRow), TempRef) Then
all help appreciated.