Hey All
I designed a cholesky composition function in VBA. Unfortunately it doesn't work in one of my .xls-files (result is #Value) whereas it works if I open a new .xls file and try it there.
Does anybody have an idea why a function doesn't work in one file but works in another one (excel options are the same since I opened both files on the same computer and the module in VBA is also the right one).
I designed a cholesky composition function in VBA. Unfortunately it doesn't work in one of my .xls-files (result is #Value) whereas it works if I open a new .xls file and try it there.
Does anybody have an idea why a function doesn't work in one file but works in another one (excel options are the same since I opened both files on the same computer and the module in VBA is also the right one).
Function cholesky_m(Correlation_Matrix As Variant) As Variant
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim row_number As Integer
Dim column_number As Integer
Dim sum_count As Integer
Dim total_rows As Integer
total_rows = Correlation_Matrix.Rows.Count - 1
ReDim input_value(total_rows, total_rows) As Double
ReDim output_value(total_rows, total_rows) As Double
ReDim sum_value(total_rows, total_rows) As Double
' record data array from correlation matrix
For row_number = 0 To total_rows
For column_number = 0 To total_rows
input_value(row_number, column_number) = Correlation_Matrix.Cells(row_number + 1, column_number + 1).Value
Next column_number
Next row_number
' perform cholesky decomposition
For row_number = 0 To total_rows
For column_number = 0 To row_number
If row_number = column_number Then
For sum_count = 0 To row_number - 1
sum_value(row_number, column_number) = sum_value(row_number, column_number) + _
output_value(row_number, sum_count) ^ 2
Next sum_count
output_value(row_number, column_number) = (input_value(row_number, row_number) - _
sum_value(row_number, column_number)) ^ 0.5
For sum_count = 0 To column_number - 1
sum_value(row_number, column_number) = output_value(row_number, sum_count) * _
output_value(column_number, sum_count) + sum_value(row_number, column_number)
Next sum_count
output_value(row_number, column_number) = 1 / output_value(column_number, column_number) * _
(input_value(row_number, column_number) - sum_value(row_number, column_number))
End If
Next column_number
Next row_number
' record results
cholesky_m = output_value()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function