Hi All,
I have this code I am trying to get to work. I have a time sheet for all employees and want to automate the process a bit.
On Worksheet "Employee" I have 3 columns(Employee Number(A), Employee Name(B), Area(C). I am trying to fill in the time sheet with each employee and print it out then move to the next one...and so on.
Any help would be great. Z
I have this code I am trying to get to work. I have a time sheet for all employees and want to automate the process a bit.
On Worksheet "Employee" I have 3 columns(Employee Number(A), Employee Name(B), Area(C). I am trying to fill in the time sheet with each employee and print it out then move to the next one...and so on.
Sub RunPrint()
Dim Employee As Range
Dim EmployeeName As String
Dim WeekStart As Date
Dim WeekEnd As Date
Dim Area As String
WeekStart = InputBox("Please enter week beginning date. **/**/**")
WeekEnd = WeekStart + 6
For Each Employee In Worksheets("Employee").Range("A2:A65536")
With Employee
If Employee = True Then
If Range(Employee, 3) = "P/C" Then
Worksheets("TimeSheet").Cells("N1") = ("EMPLOYEE NAME: " & EmployeeName & " " & EmployeeNumber)
Worksheets("TimeSheet").Cells("A3") = ("WEEK BEGINNING: " & WeekStart)
Worksheets("TimeSheet").Cells("N3") = ("WEEK ENDING: " & WeekEnd & " " & Area)
Worksheets("TimeSheet").PrintOut Copies:=2
Worksheets("TimeSheet").Cells("N1") = ("EMPLOYEE NAME: " & EmployeeName & " " & EmployeeNumber)
Worksheets("TimeSheet").Cells("A3") = ("WEEK BEGINNING: " & WeekStart)
Worksheets("TimeSheet").Cells("N3") = ("WEEK ENDING: " & WeekEnd & " " & Area)
Worksheets("TimeSheet").PrintOut Copies:=1
End If
End If
End With
Next Employee
End Sub
Any help would be great. Z