code running slow , but gets faster when i hit esc


Board Regular
Jun 4, 2008

i have a model that pulls in data to a template and re-calculates then spits out results onto a summary sheet. for some reason the code just started running very slow but when i hit escape to try and debug or click on the worksheet , the code starts to run quicker i am not sure why this is happening or why my model keeps runnning slower and slower i do set the variables equal to nothing to clear memory. Any ideas ?


Excel Facts

How to find 2nd largest value in a column?
MAX finds the largest value. =LARGE(A:A,2) will find the second largest. =SMALL(A:A,3) will find the third smallest
Option Explicit
Public wb               As Workbook
Public wsTemplate       As Worksheet
Public wsSummary        As Worksheet
Public wsLeaseTerms     As Worksheet
Public wsAssumptions    As Worksheet
Public Lease()          As New clsTemplate
Public Sub DefineTabs()
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Set wsTemplate = wb.Worksheets("Template")
    Set wsLeaseTerms = wb.Worksheets("Lease Terms")
    Set wsSummary = wb.Worksheets("Summary")
    Set wsAssumptions = wb.Worksheets("Assumptions")
End Sub
Public Sub GetOneLeaseData()
    Call LoadData(wsTemplate.Range("RefKey") + 2)
End Sub
Public Sub RunIterations()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim LeaseCount As Integer
    LeaseCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lease Terms").Range("c2:SH2"))
    Dim nLease As Integer
    For nLease = 1 To LeaseCount
        Application.StatusBar = "Running: " & VBA.Format(nLease / LeaseCount, "0%") & _
        "    Lease " & VBA.Format(nLease, "#,#") & " of " & VBA.Format(LeaseCount, "#,#")
        ReDim Preserve Lease(1 To nLease) As New clsTemplate
        Set Lease(nLease) = Nothing
        Call LoadData(nLease + 2)
        Call Lease(nLease).GetValues
    Next nLease
    Call rptResults
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub rptResults()
    Dim nItem           As Integer
    Dim outputArray()   As Variant
    Dim LeaseCount As Variant
    LeaseCount = ((Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lease Terms").Range("c2:SH2"))))
    ReDim outputArray(LeaseCount - 1, 10) As Variant
    For nItem = 1 To LeaseCount
        Application.StatusBar = "Running: " & VBA.Format(Round(nItem / CLng(LeaseCount), 2), "0%") & _
        "    Lease: " & VBA.Format(nItem, "#,#") & " of " & VBA.Format(LeaseCount, "#,#")
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 0) = nItem
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 1) = Lease(nItem).RestaurantNumber
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 2) = Lease(nItem).LeaseNumber
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 3) = Lease(nItem).Capital
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 4) = Lease(nItem).IncomePayable
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 5) = Lease(nItem).FavorableFlag
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 6) = Lease(nItem).PVCashflow
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 7) = Lease(nItem).Capital_Liability
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 8) = Lease(nItem).Capital_Right
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 9) = Lease(nItem).DFL_Residual
        outputArray(nItem - 1, 10) = Lease(nItem).AmortTerm
        Set Lease(nItem) = Nothing
    Next nItem
    Dim xlOutputRng     As Range
    Set xlOutputRng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").Range("A3")
    xlOutputRng.Resize(UBound(outputArray, 1) + 1, 11).Value = outputArray
End Sub

Public Sub LoadData(i As Integer)
    With wsTemplate
        .Cells(9, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(2, i).Value)
        .Cells(10, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(3, i).Value)
        .Cells(11, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(4, i).Value)
        .Cells(12, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(5, i).Value)
        .Cells(13, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(6, i).Value)
        .Cells(14, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(7, i).Value)
        .Cells(15, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(8, i).Value)
        .Cells(16, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(9, i).Value) ' Capital Lease
        .Cells(17, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(10, i).Value)
        .Cells(18, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(11, i).Value)
        .Cells(19, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(12, i).Value)
        .Cells(20, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(13, i).Value)
        .Cells(21, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(14, i).Value)
        .Cells(22, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(15, i).Value)
        .Cells(23, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(16, i).Value)
        .Cells(24, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(17, i).Value)
        .Cells(25, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(18, i).Value)
        .Cells(26, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(19, i).Value)
        .Cells(27, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(20, i).Value)
        .Cells(28, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(21, i).Value)
        .Cells(29, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(22, i).Value)
        .Cells(30, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(23, i).Value)
        .Cells(31, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(24, i).Value
        .Cells(32, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(25, i).Value
        .Cells(33, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(26, 3).Value
        .Cells(69, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(62, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(62, i).Value)
        .Cells(70, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(63, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(63, i).Value)
        .Cells(71, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(64, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(64, i).Value)
        .Cells(72, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(65, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(65, i).Value) '  00000
        .Cells(73, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(66, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(66, i).Value)
        .Cells(74, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(67, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(67, i).Value)
        .Cells(75, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(68, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(68, i).Value)
        .Cells(76, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(69, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(69, i).Value)
        .Cells(77, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(70, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(70, i).Value)
        .Cells(78, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(71, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(71, i).Value)
        .Cells(79, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(72, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(72, i).Value)
        .Cells(80, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(73, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(73, i).Value)
        .Cells(81, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(74, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(74, i).Value)
        .Cells(82, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(75, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(75, i).Value)
        .Cells(83, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(76, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(76, i).Value)
        .Cells(84, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(77, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(77, i).Value)
        .Cells(85, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(78, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(78, i).Value)
        .Cells(86, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(79, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(79, i).Value)
        .Cells(87, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(80, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(80, i).Value)
        .Cells(88, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(81, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(81, i).Value)
        .Cells(89, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(82, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(82, i).Value)
        .Cells(90, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(83, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(83, i).Value)
        .Cells(91, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(84, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(84, i).Value)
        .Cells(92, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(85, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(85, i).Value)
        .Cells(93, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(86, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(86, i).Value)
        .Cells(94, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(87, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(87, i).Value)
        .Cells(95, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(88, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(88, i).Value)
        .Cells(96, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(89, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(89, i).Value)
        .Cells(97, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(90, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(90, i).Value)
        .Cells(98, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(91, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(91, i).Value)
        .Cells(99, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(92, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(92, i).Value)
        .Cells(100, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(93, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(93, i).Value)
        .Cells(101, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(94, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(94, i).Value) ' ''' 35Base RentFrom
        .Cells(102, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(95, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(95, i).Value)
        .Cells(103, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(96, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(96, i).Value)
        .Cells(104, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(97, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(97, i).Value)
        .Cells(105, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(98, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(98, i).Value)
        .Cells(106, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(99, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(99, i).Value)
        .Cells(107, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(100, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(100, i).Value)
        .Cells(108, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(101, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(101, i).Value)
        .Cells(109, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(102, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(102, i).Value)
        .Cells(110, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(103, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(103, i).Value)
        .Cells(111, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(104, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(104, i).Value)
        .Cells(112, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(105, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(105, i).Value)
        .Cells(113, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(106, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(106, i).Value)
        .Cells(114, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(107, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(107, i).Value)
        .Cells(115, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(108, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(108, i).Value)
        .Cells(116, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(109, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(109, i).Value)
        .Cells(117, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(110, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(110, i).Value)
        .Cells(118, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(111, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(111, i).Value)
        .Cells(119, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(112, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(112, i).Value)
        .Cells(120, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(113, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(113, i).Value)
        .Cells(121, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(114, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(114, i).Value)
        .Cells(122, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(115, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(115, i).Value)
        .Cells(123, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(116, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(116, i).Value)
        .Cells(124, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(117, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(117, i).Value)
        .Cells(125, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(118, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(118, i).Value)
        .Cells(126, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(119, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(119, i).Value)
        .Cells(127, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(120, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(120, i).Value)
        .Cells(128, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(121, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(121, i).Value)
        .Cells(129, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(122, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(122, i).Value)
        .Cells(130, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(123, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(123, i).Value)
        .Cells(131, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(124, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(124, i).Value)
        .Cells(132, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(125, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(125, i).Value)
        .Cells(133, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(126, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(126, i).Value)
        .Cells(134, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(127, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(127, i).Value)
        .Cells(135, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(128, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(128, i).Value)
        .Cells(136, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(129, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(129, i).Value)
        .Cells(137, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(130, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(130, i).Value)
        .Cells(138, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(131, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(131, i).Value) ' '''''''''' 35 Base RentTo
.Cells(139, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(132, i).Value
.Cells(140, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(133, i).Value
.Cells(141, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(134, i).Value
.Cells(142, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(135, i).Value
.Cells(143, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(136, i).Value
.Cells(144, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(137, i).Value
.Cells(145, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(138, i).Value
.Cells(146, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(139, i).Value
.Cells(147, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(140, i).Value
.Cells(148, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(141, i).Value
.Cells(149, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(142, i).Value
.Cells(150, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(143, i).Value
.Cells(151, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(144, i).Value
.Cells(152, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(145, i).Value
.Cells(153, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(146, i).Value
.Cells(154, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(147, i).Value
.Cells(155, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(148, i).Value
.Cells(156, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(149, i).Value
.Cells(157, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(150, i).Value
.Cells(158, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(151, i).Value
.Cells(159, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(152, i).Value
.Cells(160, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(153, i).Value
.Cells(161, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(154, i).Value
.Cells(162, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(155, i).Value
.Cells(163, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(156, i).Value
.Cells(164, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(157, i).Value
.Cells(165, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(158, i).Value
.Cells(166, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(159, i).Value
.Cells(167, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(160, i).Value
.Cells(168, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(161, i).Value
.Cells(169, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(162, i).Value
.Cells(170, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(163, i).Value
.Cells(171, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(164, i).Value
.Cells(172, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(165, i).Value
.Cells(173, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(166, i).Value ' ''''35Base Rent Rent
.Cells(174, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(167, i).Value
.Cells(175, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(168, i).Value
.Cells(176, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(169, i).Value
.Cells(177, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(170, i).Value
.Cells(178, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(171, i).Value
.Cells(179, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(172, i).Value
.Cells(180, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(173, i).Value
.Cells(181, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(174, i).Value
.Cells(182, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(175, i).Value
.Cells(183, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(176, i).Value
.Cells(184, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(177, i).Value
.Cells(185, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(178, i).Value
.Cells(186, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(179, i).Value
.Cells(187, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(180, i).Value
.Cells(188, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(181, i).Value
.Cells(189, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(182, i).Value
.Cells(190, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(183, i).Value
.Cells(191, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(184, i).Value
.Cells(192, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(185, i).Value
.Cells(193, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(186, i).Value
.Cells(194, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(187, i).Value
.Cells(195, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(188, i).Value
.Cells(196, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(189, i).Value
.Cells(197, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(190, i).Value
.Cells(198, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(191, i).Value
.Cells(199, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(192, i).Value
.Cells(200, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(193, i).Value
.Cells(201, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(194, i).Value
.Cells(202, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(195, i).Value
.Cells(203, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(196, i).Value
.Cells(204, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(197, i).Value
.Cells(205, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(198, i).Value
.Cells(206, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(199, i).Value
.Cells(207, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(200, i).Value
.Cells(208, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(201, i).Value '''35Percent Rent
.Cells(209, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(202, i).Value
.Cells(210, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(203, i).Value
.Cells(211, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(204, i).Value
.Cells(212, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(205, i).Value
.Cells(213, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(206, i).Value
.Cells(214, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(207, i).Value
.Cells(215, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(208, i).Value
.Cells(216, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(209, i).Value
.Cells(217, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(210, i).Value
.Cells(218, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(211, i).Value
.Cells(219, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(212, i).Value
.Cells(220, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(213, i).Value
.Cells(221, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(214, i).Value
.Cells(222, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(215, i).Value
.Cells(223, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(216, i).Value
.Cells(224, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(217, i).Value
.Cells(225, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(218, i).Value
.Cells(226, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(219, i).Value
.Cells(227, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(220, i).Value
.Cells(228, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(221, i).Value
.Cells(229, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(222, i).Value
.Cells(230, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(223, i).Value
.Cells(231, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(224, i).Value
.Cells(232, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(225, i).Value
.Cells(233, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(226, i).Value
.Cells(234, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(227, i).Value
.Cells(235, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(228, i).Value
.Cells(236, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(229, i).Value
.Cells(237, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(230, i).Value
.Cells(238, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(231, i).Value
.Cells(239, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(232, i).Value
.Cells(240, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(233, i).Value
.Cells(241, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(234, i).Value
.Cells(242, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(235, i).Value
.Cells(243, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(236, i).Value '35 Term
.Cells(244, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(3, 3).Value
.Cells(245, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(4, 3).Value
.Cells(246, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(5, 3).Value
.Cells(247, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(8, 3).Value
    End With
End Sub
Upvote 0
You have one for loop. Why aren't you looping through the rest?

I don't know if that will actually speed it up, but it should at least be worth a shot.
Upvote 0

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