Option Explicit
Public wb As Workbook
Public wsTemplate As Worksheet
Public wsSummary As Worksheet
Public wsLeaseTerms As Worksheet
Public wsAssumptions As Worksheet
Public Lease() As New clsTemplate
Public Sub DefineTabs()
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set wsTemplate = wb.Worksheets("Template")
Set wsLeaseTerms = wb.Worksheets("Lease Terms")
Set wsSummary = wb.Worksheets("Summary")
Set wsAssumptions = wb.Worksheets("Assumptions")
End Sub
Public Sub GetOneLeaseData()
Call LoadData(wsTemplate.Range("RefKey") + 2)
End Sub
Public Sub RunIterations()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim LeaseCount As Integer
LeaseCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lease Terms").Range("c2:SH2"))
Dim nLease As Integer
For nLease = 1 To LeaseCount
Application.StatusBar = "Running: " & VBA.Format(nLease / LeaseCount, "0%") & _
" Lease " & VBA.Format(nLease, "#,#") & " of " & VBA.Format(LeaseCount, "#,#")
ReDim Preserve Lease(1 To nLease) As New clsTemplate
Set Lease(nLease) = Nothing
Call LoadData(nLease + 2)
Call Lease(nLease).GetValues
Next nLease
Call rptResults
Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub rptResults()
Dim nItem As Integer
Dim outputArray() As Variant
Dim LeaseCount As Variant
LeaseCount = ((Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lease Terms").Range("c2:SH2"))))
ReDim outputArray(LeaseCount - 1, 10) As Variant
For nItem = 1 To LeaseCount
Application.StatusBar = "Running: " & VBA.Format(Round(nItem / CLng(LeaseCount), 2), "0%") & _
" Lease: " & VBA.Format(nItem, "#,#") & " of " & VBA.Format(LeaseCount, "#,#")
outputArray(nItem - 1, 0) = nItem
outputArray(nItem - 1, 1) = Lease(nItem).RestaurantNumber
outputArray(nItem - 1, 2) = Lease(nItem).LeaseNumber
outputArray(nItem - 1, 3) = Lease(nItem).Capital
outputArray(nItem - 1, 4) = Lease(nItem).IncomePayable
outputArray(nItem - 1, 5) = Lease(nItem).FavorableFlag
outputArray(nItem - 1, 6) = Lease(nItem).PVCashflow
outputArray(nItem - 1, 7) = Lease(nItem).Capital_Liability
outputArray(nItem - 1, 8) = Lease(nItem).Capital_Right
outputArray(nItem - 1, 9) = Lease(nItem).DFL_Residual
outputArray(nItem - 1, 10) = Lease(nItem).AmortTerm
Set Lease(nItem) = Nothing
Next nItem
Dim xlOutputRng As Range
Set xlOutputRng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").Range("A3")
xlOutputRng.Resize(UBound(outputArray, 1) + 1, 11).Value = outputArray
End Sub
Public Sub LoadData(i As Integer)
With wsTemplate
.Cells(9, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(2, i).Value)
.Cells(10, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(3, i).Value)
.Cells(11, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(4, i).Value)
.Cells(12, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(5, i).Value)
.Cells(13, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(6, i).Value)
.Cells(14, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(7, i).Value)
.Cells(15, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(8, i).Value)
.Cells(16, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(9, i).Value) ' Capital Lease
.Cells(17, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(10, i).Value)
.Cells(18, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(11, i).Value)
.Cells(19, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(12, i).Value)
.Cells(20, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(13, i).Value)
.Cells(21, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(14, i).Value)
.Cells(22, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(15, i).Value)
.Cells(23, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(16, i).Value)
.Cells(24, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(17, i).Value)
.Cells(25, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(18, i).Value)
.Cells(26, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(19, i).Value)
.Cells(27, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(20, i).Value)
.Cells(28, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(21, i).Value)
.Cells(29, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(22, i).Value)
.Cells(30, 3) = Trim(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(23, i).Value)
.Cells(31, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(24, i).Value
.Cells(32, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(25, i).Value
.Cells(33, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(26, 3).Value
.Cells(69, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(62, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(62, i).Value)
.Cells(70, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(63, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(63, i).Value)
.Cells(71, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(64, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(64, i).Value)
.Cells(72, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(65, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(65, i).Value) ' 00000
.Cells(73, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(66, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(66, i).Value)
.Cells(74, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(67, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(67, i).Value)
.Cells(75, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(68, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(68, i).Value)
.Cells(76, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(69, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(69, i).Value)
.Cells(77, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(70, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(70, i).Value)
.Cells(78, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(71, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(71, i).Value)
.Cells(79, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(72, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(72, i).Value)
.Cells(80, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(73, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(73, i).Value)
.Cells(81, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(74, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(74, i).Value)
.Cells(82, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(75, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(75, i).Value)
.Cells(83, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(76, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(76, i).Value)
.Cells(84, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(77, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(77, i).Value)
.Cells(85, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(78, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(78, i).Value)
.Cells(86, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(79, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(79, i).Value)
.Cells(87, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(80, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(80, i).Value)
.Cells(88, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(81, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(81, i).Value)
.Cells(89, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(82, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(82, i).Value)
.Cells(90, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(83, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(83, i).Value)
.Cells(91, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(84, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(84, i).Value)
.Cells(92, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(85, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(85, i).Value)
.Cells(93, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(86, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(86, i).Value)
.Cells(94, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(87, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(87, i).Value)
.Cells(95, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(88, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(88, i).Value)
.Cells(96, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(89, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(89, i).Value)
.Cells(97, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(90, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(90, i).Value)
.Cells(98, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(91, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(91, i).Value)
.Cells(99, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(92, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(92, i).Value)
.Cells(100, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(93, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(93, i).Value)
.Cells(101, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(94, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(94, i).Value) ' ''' 35Base RentFrom
.Cells(102, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(95, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(95, i).Value)
.Cells(103, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(96, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(96, i).Value)
.Cells(104, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(97, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(97, i).Value)
.Cells(105, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(98, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(98, i).Value)
.Cells(106, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(99, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(99, i).Value)
.Cells(107, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(100, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(100, i).Value)
.Cells(108, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(101, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(101, i).Value)
.Cells(109, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(102, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(102, i).Value)
.Cells(110, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(103, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(103, i).Value)
.Cells(111, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(104, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(104, i).Value)
.Cells(112, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(105, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(105, i).Value)
.Cells(113, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(106, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(106, i).Value)
.Cells(114, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(107, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(107, i).Value)
.Cells(115, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(108, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(108, i).Value)
.Cells(116, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(109, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(109, i).Value)
.Cells(117, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(110, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(110, i).Value)
.Cells(118, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(111, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(111, i).Value)
.Cells(119, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(112, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(112, i).Value)
.Cells(120, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(113, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(113, i).Value)
.Cells(121, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(114, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(114, i).Value)
.Cells(122, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(115, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(115, i).Value)
.Cells(123, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(116, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(116, i).Value)
.Cells(124, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(117, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(117, i).Value)
.Cells(125, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(118, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(118, i).Value)
.Cells(126, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(119, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(119, i).Value)
.Cells(127, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(120, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(120, i).Value)
.Cells(128, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(121, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(121, i).Value)
.Cells(129, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(122, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(122, i).Value)
.Cells(130, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(123, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(123, i).Value)
.Cells(131, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(124, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(124, i).Value)
.Cells(132, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(125, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(125, i).Value)
.Cells(133, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(126, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(126, i).Value)
.Cells(134, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(127, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(127, i).Value)
.Cells(135, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(128, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(128, i).Value)
.Cells(136, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(129, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(129, i).Value)
.Cells(137, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(130, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(130, i).Value)
.Cells(138, 3) = IIf(wsLeaseTerms.Cells(131, i).Value = 0, "", wsLeaseTerms.Cells(131, i).Value) ' '''''''''' 35 Base RentTo
.Cells(139, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(132, i).Value
.Cells(140, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(133, i).Value
.Cells(141, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(134, i).Value
.Cells(142, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(135, i).Value
.Cells(143, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(136, i).Value
.Cells(144, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(137, i).Value
.Cells(145, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(138, i).Value
.Cells(146, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(139, i).Value
.Cells(147, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(140, i).Value
.Cells(148, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(141, i).Value
.Cells(149, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(142, i).Value
.Cells(150, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(143, i).Value
.Cells(151, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(144, i).Value
.Cells(152, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(145, i).Value
.Cells(153, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(146, i).Value
.Cells(154, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(147, i).Value
.Cells(155, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(148, i).Value
.Cells(156, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(149, i).Value
.Cells(157, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(150, i).Value
.Cells(158, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(151, i).Value
.Cells(159, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(152, i).Value
.Cells(160, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(153, i).Value
.Cells(161, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(154, i).Value
.Cells(162, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(155, i).Value
.Cells(163, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(156, i).Value
.Cells(164, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(157, i).Value
.Cells(165, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(158, i).Value
.Cells(166, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(159, i).Value
.Cells(167, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(160, i).Value
.Cells(168, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(161, i).Value
.Cells(169, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(162, i).Value
.Cells(170, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(163, i).Value
.Cells(171, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(164, i).Value
.Cells(172, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(165, i).Value
.Cells(173, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(166, i).Value ' ''''35Base Rent Rent
.Cells(174, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(167, i).Value
.Cells(175, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(168, i).Value
.Cells(176, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(169, i).Value
.Cells(177, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(170, i).Value
.Cells(178, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(171, i).Value
.Cells(179, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(172, i).Value
.Cells(180, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(173, i).Value
.Cells(181, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(174, i).Value
.Cells(182, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(175, i).Value
.Cells(183, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(176, i).Value
.Cells(184, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(177, i).Value
.Cells(185, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(178, i).Value
.Cells(186, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(179, i).Value
.Cells(187, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(180, i).Value
.Cells(188, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(181, i).Value
.Cells(189, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(182, i).Value
.Cells(190, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(183, i).Value
.Cells(191, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(184, i).Value
.Cells(192, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(185, i).Value
.Cells(193, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(186, i).Value
.Cells(194, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(187, i).Value
.Cells(195, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(188, i).Value
.Cells(196, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(189, i).Value
.Cells(197, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(190, i).Value
.Cells(198, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(191, i).Value
.Cells(199, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(192, i).Value
.Cells(200, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(193, i).Value
.Cells(201, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(194, i).Value
.Cells(202, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(195, i).Value
.Cells(203, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(196, i).Value
.Cells(204, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(197, i).Value
.Cells(205, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(198, i).Value
.Cells(206, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(199, i).Value
.Cells(207, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(200, i).Value
.Cells(208, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(201, i).Value '''35Percent Rent
.Cells(209, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(202, i).Value
.Cells(210, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(203, i).Value
.Cells(211, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(204, i).Value
.Cells(212, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(205, i).Value
.Cells(213, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(206, i).Value
.Cells(214, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(207, i).Value
.Cells(215, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(208, i).Value
.Cells(216, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(209, i).Value
.Cells(217, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(210, i).Value
.Cells(218, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(211, i).Value
.Cells(219, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(212, i).Value
.Cells(220, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(213, i).Value
.Cells(221, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(214, i).Value
.Cells(222, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(215, i).Value
.Cells(223, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(216, i).Value
.Cells(224, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(217, i).Value
.Cells(225, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(218, i).Value
.Cells(226, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(219, i).Value
.Cells(227, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(220, i).Value
.Cells(228, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(221, i).Value
.Cells(229, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(222, i).Value
.Cells(230, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(223, i).Value
.Cells(231, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(224, i).Value
.Cells(232, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(225, i).Value
.Cells(233, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(226, i).Value
.Cells(234, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(227, i).Value
.Cells(235, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(228, i).Value
.Cells(236, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(229, i).Value
.Cells(237, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(230, i).Value
.Cells(238, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(231, i).Value
.Cells(239, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(232, i).Value
.Cells(240, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(233, i).Value
.Cells(241, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(234, i).Value
.Cells(242, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(235, i).Value
.Cells(243, 3) = wsLeaseTerms.Cells(236, i).Value '35 Term
.Cells(244, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(3, 3).Value
.Cells(245, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(4, 3).Value
.Cells(246, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(5, 3).Value
.Cells(247, 3) = wsAssumptions.Cells(8, 3).Value
End With
End Sub