Hi I have about 30 workbooks in a folder called "Employee Files. In column
F5 to F16 I have this Formula (=IF(B8=0,"0",SUMPRODUCT(--(Results!$A$5:$A$57>=$P$10),--(Results!$A$5:$A$57<=$P$11),Results!D$5:D$57))/$Q$10)
I need to change it to
Is there a way to write some code to do this or do I have to go in and manually do it
Any thoughts
F5 to F16 I have this Formula (=IF(B8=0,"0",SUMPRODUCT(--(Results!$A$5:$A$57>=$P$10),--(Results!$A$5:$A$57<=$P$11),Results!D$5:D$57))/$Q$10)
I need to change it to
Is there a way to write some code to do this or do I have to go in and manually do it
Any thoughts