Code works, then doesn't, then does again... help please!


New Member
Sep 15, 2011
I have this code to import a load of data from various external workbooks which contain information that needs collating. The code, as suggested by the heading, works on occasion but if I re-run the code, it fails. The Poller and Notifications data requires an extra line between two sets of data. My code seems to fail here - sometimes it inserts, sometimes it doesn't - which then makes the Summary incorrect. Is anyone able to spot a way of ensuring the lines are always inserted?

Sub ImportSheets()

    Dim Path            As String 'string variable to hold the path to look through
    Dim mWB             As Workbook 'master workbook
    Dim aWS             As Worksheet 'active sheet in master workbook
    Dim rPath            As String
    Dim pPath            As String
    Dim nPath            As String
    Dim dT              As Date
    Dim rDate            As String
    Dim pDate            As String
    Dim nDate            As String
    Path = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & Application.UserName & "\Desktop\Response Times"
    dT = DateValue("24 Mar 2013")
    Application.EnableEvents = False 'turn off events
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'turn off screen updating
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Set mWB = ThisWorkbook 'stores information in open workbook

    ' **** Do Ram Analysis Timings ****
    rPath = Path & "\RAS"
    mWB.Worksheets("RAM Timings").Cells.Clear
    Set aWS = mWB.Worksheets("RAM Timings")
    rDate = Format(dT, "dd-mm-yyyy")
    RAMTimings rPath, aWS, rDate, mWB

    ' **** Do Poller ****
    Set aWS = mWB.Worksheets("Poller")
    pDate = Format(dT, "yyyy-mm-dd")
    PollerStats Path, aWS, pDate, mWB
    ' **** Do Notifications ****
    nPath = Path & "\Notifications\"
    Set aWS = mWB.Worksheets("Notifications")
    nDate = Format(dT, "dd-mm-yyyy")
    Notifications nPath, aWS, nDate, mWB

    ' Update Summary
    Sheets("Summary").Range("B2").Value = DateAdd("d", -6, dT) & "-" & dT
    mWB.Sheets("Summary").Select 'select summary sheet on master workbook
    Application.EnableEvents = True 're-enable events
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'turn screen updating back on
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    Set mWB = Nothing
    Set aWS = Nothing
End Sub


Sub RAMTimings(Path As String, Sht, Dat, WBM)
    Dim FileName        As String 'temporary filename string variable
    Dim sPath           As String
    Dim tWB             As Workbook 'temporary workbook (each in directory)
    Dim tWS             As Worksheet 'temporary worksheet variable
    Dim uRange          As Range 'usedrange for each temporary sheet
    Dim RowCount        As Long 'Rows used on master sheet
    Dim tDate           As Date
    Dim sDat            As String
    Dim c               As Integer
    sDat = Dat
    For k = 1 To 7 'Loop through Maps
        sPath = Path & "\Map" & k
        For j = 1 To 2 'Loop through Third & Fourth folders
            If j = 1 Then
                sPath = sPath & "\fourth\"
                sPath = sPath & "\third\"
            End If
            For i = 1 To 7 'Loop through 7 days
                FileName = Dir(sPath & "ram-based-analysistimings-" & sDat & ".csv", vbNormal)
                Do Until FileName = "" 'loop until all files have been parsed
                    If Path <> ThisWorkbook.Path Or FileName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
                       Set tWB = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=sPath & FileName) 'open file, set to tWB variable
                        For Each tWS In tWB.Worksheets 'loop through each sheet
                        Set uRange = tWS.Range("A2", tWS.Cells(tWS.UsedRange.Row + tWS.UsedRange.Rows _
                        .Count - 1, tWS.UsedRange.Column + tWS.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1)) 'set used range
                        If RowCount + uRange.Rows.Count > 65536 Then 'if the used range wont fit on the sheet
                            Sht.Columns.AutoFit 'autofit mostly-used worksheet's columns
                            Set Sht = WBM.Sheets.Add(After:=Sht) 'add a new sheet that will accommodate data
                            RowCount = 0 'reset RowCount variable
                        End If
                        If RowCount = 0 Then 'if working with a new sheet
                            Sht.Range("A1", Sht.Cells(1, uRange.Columns.Count)).Value = _
                            tWS.Range("A1", tWS.Cells(1, uRange.Columns.Count)).Value 'copy headers from tWS
                            RowCount = 1 'add one to rowcount
                        End If
                        Sht.Range("A" & RowCount + 1).Resize(uRange.Rows.Count, uRange.Columns.Count).Value _
                        = uRange.Value 'move data from temp sheet to data sheet
                        RowCount = RowCount + uRange.Rows.Count 'increase rowcount accordingly
                        tDate = DateValue(sDat)
                        tDate = DateAdd("d", -1, tDate)
                        sDat = Format(tDate, "dd-mm-yyyy")
                        tWB.Close False 'close temporary workbook without saving
                    End If
                    FileName = Dir() 'set next file's name to FileName variable

            Next i
            sDat = Dat
            sPath = Path & "\Map" & k
        Next j
    Next k
    With Sheets("RAM Timings")
        Dim lastR As Integer
        lastR = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
        .Range("C1") = "> 0.5s"
        .Range("D1") = "> 1.0s"
        .Range("E1") = "Count"
        For c = 2 To .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
            If .Range("B" & c) > 500 Then
                .Range("C" & c) = 1
                .Range("C" & c) = 0
            End If
            If .Range("B" & c) > 1000 Then
                .Range("D" & c) = 1
                .Range("D" & c) = 0
            End If
            .Range("E" & c) = c - 1
        Next c
        MsgBox "Getting RAM Timings calculations"
        .Range("B" & lastR + 1) = "=average(B2:B" & lastR & ")/1000"
        .Range("C" & lastR + 1) = "=sum(C2:C" & lastR & ")"
        .Range("D" & lastR + 1) = "=sum(D2:D" & lastR & ")"
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B4").Value = .Range("B" & lastR + 1).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B5").Value = .Range("E" & lastR).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B6").Value = .Range("C" & lastR + 1).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B7").Value = .Range("D" & lastR + 1).Value
    End With
    Set tWB = Nothing
    Set tWS = Nothing
    'Set WBM = Nothing
    Set Sht = Nothing
    Set uRange = Nothing
End Sub


Sub PollerStats(Path As String, Sht, Dat, WBM)

    Dim FileName        As String 'temporary filename string variable
    Dim sPath        As String
    Dim tWB             As Workbook 'temporary workbook (each in directory)
    Dim tWS             As Worksheet 'temporary worksheet variable
    Dim uRange          As Range 'usedrange for each temporary sheet
    Dim RowCount        As Long 'Rows used on master sheet
    Dim tDate           As Date
    Dim sDat            As String
    Dim c               As Integer

    sDat = Dat
    For k = 1 To 2 'Loop through Poller folders
        If k = 1 Then
            sPath = Path & "\Port3avpoller\"
            sPath = Path & "\Port4avpoller\"
        End If
        For i = 1 To 7 'Loop through 7 days
            FileName = Dir(sPath & "\" & sDat & "-data.csv", vbNormal)
            Do Until FileName = "" 'loop until all files have been parsed
                If Path <> ThisWorkbook.Path Or FileName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
                    Set tWB = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=sPath & FileName) 'open file, set to tWB variable
                    For Each tWS In tWB.Worksheets 'loop through each sheet
                       Set uRange = tWS.Range("A2", tWS.Cells(tWS.UsedRange.Row + tWS.UsedRange.Rows _
                       .Count - 1, tWS.UsedRange.Column + tWS.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1)) 'set used range
                       If RowCount + uRange.Rows.Count > 65536 Then 'if the used range wont fit on the sheet
                           Sht.Columns.AutoFit 'autofit mostly-used worksheet's columns
                            Set Sht = WBM.Sheets.Add(After:=Sht) 'add a new sheet that will accommodate data
                            RowCount = 0 'reset RowCount variable
                        End If
                        If RowCount = 0 Then 'if working with a new sheet
                            Sht.Range("A1", Sht.Cells(1, uRange.Columns.Count)).Value = _
                            tWS.Range("A1", tWS.Cells(1, uRange.Columns.Count)).Value 'copy headers from tWS
                            RowCount = 1 'add one to rowcount
                        End If
                        Sht.Range("A" & RowCount + 1).Resize(uRange.Rows.Count, uRange.Columns.Count).Value _
                        = uRange.Value 'move data from temp sheet to data sheet
                        RowCount = RowCount + uRange.Rows.Count 'increase rowcount accordingly
                    tDate = DateValue(sDat)
                    tDate = DateAdd("d", -1, tDate)
                    sDat = Format(tDate, "yyyy-mm-dd")
                    tWB.Close False 'close temporary workbook without saving
                End If
                FileName = Dir() 'set next file's name to FileName variable
        Next i
        sDat = Dat
    Next k
    Sht.Columns.AutoFit 'autofit columns on last data sheet

    With Sheets("Poller")
        .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B2"), _
        SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        With .Sort
            .SetRange Range("A:C")
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
        .Range("D1") = "> 2s"
        .Range("E1") = "> 10s"
        .Range("F1") = "Headroom"
        .Range("G1") = "Count"
        For c = 2 To .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
            If .Range("C" & c) > 2000 Then
                .Range("D" & c) = 1
                .Range("D" & c) = 0
            End If
            If .Range("C" & c) > 10000 Then
                .Range("E" & c) = 1
                .Range("E" & c) = 0
            End If
            .Range("F" & c) = "=(2000-C" & c & ")/2000"
            .Range("G" & c) = c - 1
        Next c
        Dim l As Integer
        l = .Range("B1:B65536").Find("DYNAMIC").Row
        Cells(l, 1).EntireRow.Insert
        MsgBox "Getting Poller Calculations " & l
        Dim lastRow As Integer
        lastRow = .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Row
        Dim endRow As Integer
        endRow = .Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
        Dim lRow As Integer
        lRow = .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
        'MsgBox "Lastrow = " & lastRow & ", lRow = " & lRow & ", endRow = " & endRow
        .Range("D" & lastRow) = "=SUM(D2:D" & lRow & ")"
        .Range("E" & lastRow) = "=SUM(E2:E" & lRow & ")"
        .Range("F" & lastRow) = "=AVERAGE(F2:F" & lRow & ")"
        .Range("D" & endRow + 1) = "=SUM(D" & lastRow + 1 & ":D" & endRow & ")"
        .Range("E" & endRow + 1) = "=SUM(E" & lastRow + 1 & ":E" & endRow & ")"
        .Range("F" & endRow + 1) = "=AVERAGE(F" & lastRow + 1 & ":F" & endRow & ")"
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B9").Value = .Range("F" & endRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B10").Value = .Range("F" & lastRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B11").Value = .Range("D" & endRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B12").Value = .Range("E" & endRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B13").Value = .Range("D" & lastRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B14").Value = .Range("E" & lastRow).Value
    End With

    Set tWB = Nothing
    Set tWS = Nothing
    'Set WBM = Nothing
    Set Sht = Nothing
    Set uRange = Nothing
End Sub


Sub Notifications(Path As String, Sht, Dat, WBM)
    Dim tWB             As Workbook 'temporary workbook (each in directory)
    Dim tWS             As Worksheet 'temporary worksheet variable
    Dim FileName        As String 'temporary filename string variable
    Dim sPath        As String
    Dim uRange          As Range 'usedrange for each temporary sheet
    Dim RowCount        As Long 'Rows used on master sheet
    Dim tDate           As Date
    Dim c As Integer

        For i = 1 To 7 'Loop through 7 days
            FileName = Dir(Path & Dat & "-notification.csv", vbNormal)
            Do Until FileName = "" 'loop until all files have been parsed
                If Path <> ThisWorkbook.Path Or FileName <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
                    Set tWB = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=Path & FileName) 'open file, set to tWB variable
                    For Each tWS In tWB.Worksheets 'loop through each sheet

                        Set uRange = tWS.Range("A2", tWS.Cells(tWS.UsedRange.Row + tWS.UsedRange.Rows _
                        .Count - 1, tWS.UsedRange.Column + tWS.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1)) 'set used range
                        If RowCount + uRange.Rows.Count > 65536 Then 'if the used range wont fit on the sheet
                            Sht.Columns.AutoFit 'autofit mostly-used worksheet's columns
                            Set Sht = WBM.Sheets.Add(After:=Sht) 'add a new sheet that will accommodate data
                            RowCount = 0 'reset RowCount variable
                        End If
                        If RowCount = 0 Then 'if working with a new sheet
                            Sht.Range("A1", Sht.Cells(1, uRange.Columns.Count)).Value = _
                            tWS.Range("A1", tWS.Cells(1, uRange.Columns.Count)).Value 'copy headers from tWS
                            RowCount = 1 'add one to rowcount
                        End If
                        Sht.Range("A" & RowCount + 1).Resize(uRange.Rows.Count, uRange.Columns.Count).Value _
                        = uRange.Value 'move data from temp sheet to data sheet
                        RowCount = RowCount + uRange.Rows.Count 'increase rowcount accordingly
                    tDate = DateValue(Dat)
                    tDate = DateAdd("d", -1, tDate)
                    Dat = Format(tDate, "dd-mm-yyyy")
                    tWB.Close False 'close temporary workbook without saving
                End If
                FileName = Dir() 'set next file's name to FileName variable
        Next i
    Sht.Columns.AutoFit 'autofit columns on last data sheet
    With Sheets("Notifications")
        .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B2"), _
        SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        With .Sort
            .SetRange Range("A:C")
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
        .Range("D1") = "Minutes"
        .Range("E1") = "10 Mins"
        .Range("F1") = "30 Mins"
        .Range("G1") = "Count"
        For c = 2 To .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
            .Range("D" & c) = "=C" & c & "/60000"
            If .Range("D" & c) > 10 Then
                .Range("E" & c) = 1
                .Range("E" & c) = 0
            End If
            If .Range("D" & c) > 30 Then
                .Range("F" & c) = 1
                .Range("F" & c) = 0
            End If
            .Range("G" & c) = c - 1
        Next c
        Dim l As Integer
        l = .Range("B1:B65536").Find("FAX").Row
        Cells(l, 1).EntireRow.Insert
        MsgBox "Getting Notification Calculations " & l
        Dim lastRow As Integer
        lastRow = .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Row
        Dim endRow As Integer
        endRow = .Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
        Dim lRow As Integer
        lRow = .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
        'MsgBox "Lastrow = " & lastRow & ", lRow = " & lRow & ", endRow = " & endRow
        .Range("D" & lastRow) = "=AVERAGE(D2:D" & lRow & ")*60"
        .Range("E" & lastRow) = "=SUM(E2:E" & lRow & ")"
        .Range("F" & lastRow) = "=SUM(F2:F" & lRow & ")"
        .Range("D" & endRow + 1) = "=AVERAGE(D" & lastRow + 1 & ":D" & endRow & ")*60"
        .Range("E" & endRow + 1) = "=SUM(E" & lastRow + 1 & ":E" & endRow & ")"
        .Range("F" & endRow + 1) = "=SUM(F" & lastRow + 1 & ":F" & endRow & ")"
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B16").Value = .Range("D" & lastRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B17").Value = .Range("E" & lastRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B18").Value = .Range("F" & lastRow).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B19").Value = .Range("D" & endRow + 1).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B20").Value = .Range("E" & endRow + 1).Value
        Sheets("Summary").Range("B21").Value = .Range("F" & endRow + 1).Value
    End With
    Set tWB = Nothing
    Set tWS = Nothing
    'Set WBM = Nothing
    Set Sht = Nothing
    Set uRange = Nothing
End Sub

Thanks in advance :)

Excel Facts

What is the shortcut key for Format Selection?
Ctrl+1 (the number one) will open the Format dialog for whatever is selected.
I seem to have fixed this.

Cells(l, 1).EntireRow.Insert


.Range("A" & l).EntireRow.Insert

and it hasn't failed yet! Looks like it was getting confused about which cells I was referencing.
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