cel # P1 Q1 R1 S1
Actual Ideal Variance Color Icon
25 24.5 -.5 stop light set
I want to create a conditional format based on a formula that says:
if the values in column R are between +.05% and -.05% then put a green light in column S. If the Variance is between +.06% and -.06% then put in column S a yellow light. Any Value greater than +.07% and -.07% get a red light.
Actual Ideal Variance Color Icon
25 24.5 -.5 stop light set
I want to create a conditional format based on a formula that says:
if the values in column R are between +.05% and -.05% then put a green light in column S. If the Variance is between +.06% and -.06% then put in column S a yellow light. Any Value greater than +.07% and -.07% get a red light.