I've been given a code that allows me to enter a value into column 9 from a list of names in Column 1 and works well via a basic Listbox. Shown below.
But what I would like to do is convert this into a more pleasing Userform layout, containing TextBoxes to show first the names in "TextBox1" as they appear in the list, and another "Textbox2" for me to enter the new Data. It would also have an OK button to insert the Data and move onto the next Name in the list.
Not sure how complicated this will be but any help for a Newbie appreciated.
But what I would like to do is convert this into a more pleasing Userform layout, containing TextBoxes to show first the names in "TextBox1" as they appear in the list, and another "Textbox2" for me to enter the new Data. It would also have an OK button to insert the Data and move onto the next Name in the list.
Dim ListRow, ListColumn, NewDataColumn As Integer
Dim MyNewData As String
ListRow = 1: ListColumn = 1: NewDataColumn = 9
While ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(ListRow, ListColumn) <> ""
Sheets(1).Cells(ListRow, NewDataColumn) = InputBox("The contents of the current cell is " & Sheets(1).Cells(ListRow, ListColumn), "Enter data for each entry")
ListRow = ListRow + 1
Not sure how complicated this will be but any help for a Newbie appreciated.