Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
Thanks for taking time to look at my issue.<o></o>
I have some VBA code which copies a row of data across many columns and pastes is across many rows.<o></o>
I have issue is that VBA cannot handle the amount of data I am asking to paste.<o></o>
I would like to rewrite the code so it does one column at a time and five columns at a time. I am thing a loop might be the solution.<o></o>
I have pasted the code below. lngLastRow is variable that changes a lot. I don't think it handle being greater than 650. The columns are currently between B and BF.<o></o>
Dim lngLastRow As Long<o></o>
lngLastRow = Sheets("#Sheetnames2").Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row<o></o>
<o> </o>
Sheets("#Deal Banding Structure (1)").Range("B2:BF2").Copy _<o></o>
Destination:=Sheets("#Deal Banding Structure (1)").Range("B2:BF" & lngLastRow)<o></o>
If anybody has any solutions, that would be much appreciated.<o></o>
<o> </o>
Thanks a lot,<o></o>
Thanks for taking time to look at my issue.<o></o>
I have some VBA code which copies a row of data across many columns and pastes is across many rows.<o></o>
I have issue is that VBA cannot handle the amount of data I am asking to paste.<o></o>
I would like to rewrite the code so it does one column at a time and five columns at a time. I am thing a loop might be the solution.<o></o>
I have pasted the code below. lngLastRow is variable that changes a lot. I don't think it handle being greater than 650. The columns are currently between B and BF.<o></o>
Dim lngLastRow As Long<o></o>
lngLastRow = Sheets("#Sheetnames2").Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row<o></o>
<o> </o>
Sheets("#Deal Banding Structure (1)").Range("B2:BF2").Copy _<o></o>
Destination:=Sheets("#Deal Banding Structure (1)").Range("B2:BF" & lngLastRow)<o></o>
If anybody has any solutions, that would be much appreciated.<o></o>
<o> </o>
Thanks a lot,<o></o>