Hi all,
Im trying to copy data from another workbook and then trim the data with VBA.
Copy works very well, but now the hard part.
In Column A I have data what needs to be trimmed. There are multirow memo-fields from a database program. Somewhere in the middle there is "regio : #".
I need that # for every row!
In formula i have in C3 for cell A1:
The '+8' is to skip the 'regio : '
Could somebody help me?
The data in Column A can/could be deleted while it's copied and I only need that number!
Im trying to copy data from another workbook and then trim the data with VBA.
Dim myFile As Workbook
Dim folder As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Blad1") 'doelblad
folder = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
Set myFile = Workbooks.Open(folder & "toelichting.xls")
ws.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
'Clipboard empty
Application.CopyObjectsWithCells = False
'close doc
myFile.Close False
Copy works very well, but now the hard part.
In Column A I have data what needs to be trimmed. There are multirow memo-fields from a database program. Somewhere in the middle there is "regio : #".
I need that # for every row!
In formula i have in C3 for cell A1:
The '+8' is to skip the 'regio : '
Could somebody help me?
The data in Column A can/could be deleted while it's copied and I only need that number!