Good Evening,
I have been using userforms to complete questions then transfering them to another sheet using an array referenceing a name ( ie textbox2.value, combobox3.value etc..)
How do i do this using cell references (ie (3, 3) "C3"
I have 29 cells i need to move to another sheet depending on whos name is in (4, 4) D4. All the sheets are in the same names that can be used in the drop down, so i need it to recognise the name and move to that sheet.
Normally on a userform i would use the following
How do i change the .values etc. to be individual cell references as well as changing the CmbCSM.Value
Many Thanks
I have been using userforms to complete questions then transfering them to another sheet using an array referenceing a name ( ie textbox2.value, combobox3.value etc..)
How do i do this using cell references (ie (3, 3) "C3"
I have 29 cells i need to move to another sheet depending on whos name is in (4, 4) D4. All the sheets are in the same names that can be used in the drop down, so i need it to recognise the name and move to that sheet.
Normally on a userform i would use the following
Set ws = wbFVYData.Worksheets(CmbCSM.Value)
ws.AutoFilterMode = False
ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(, 19).Value = Array(txtdate.Value, _
TextBox18.Value, CmbCSM.Value, TextBox1.Value, TextBox2.Value, TextBox6.Value, TextBox5.Value, _
TextBox3.Value, TextBox4.Value, TextBox7.Value, TextBox8.Value, TextBox14.Value, TextBox15.Value, _
TextBox9.Value, JEN.Value, TextBox12.Value, ComboBox4.Value, TextBox17.Value, CBoxAdd.Value)
With wbFVYData.Sheets("Sheet1")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngFnd = .Range("B4:B" & LastRow).Find(What:=Me.TextBox18.Value)
End With
wbFVYData.Close True
MsgBox "Your Car Park has been completed"
Unload Me
How do i change the .values etc. to be individual cell references as well as changing the CmbCSM.Value
Many Thanks